Chance of the Heart

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Book: Chance of the Heart by Kade Boehme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kade Boehme
million miles per hour. “I’ve not seen you this passionate about something”— other than in bed definitely went unsaid— “so what can it hurt to just take a look at the numbers?”
    Chance seemed to catch what he’d left handing in the middle of that, though, and flushed. His eyes darkened with undeniable hunger, and they both took a step toward one another. Then another. The room grew hot, their gazes locked.
    Someone honked a car horn outside and the magic evaporated. Thank goodness. They both looked around, anywhere but at one another. But Chance’s sigh made Bradley finally glance his way again.
    Chance’s apologetic expression was painful to see. “I have never done anything like this. I’ve only ever been with Caitlin. And now you.”
    Why did they have to talk about this? When Bradley scowled, Chance continued, “I don’t think I regret it.”
    “You don’t think?” he asked drily. That hurt.
    Chance looked miserable. “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just… They all said ‘get it out of your system’, ‘find yourself’. I thought I knew myself. I’m twenty-three. Who doesn’t know something this big?”
    “Chance, have you really never thought of this before?”
    “Only with you.”
    “No. I mean…” Chance sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Even annoyed, Bradley couldn’t help thinking the man was sexy when he was frustrated.
    “You mean?”
    Chance looked him in the eyes again. “I mean I have always felt like this toward you. Not other guys, not other girls. Yes, I’ve found others attractive, but no one got me so worked up. Just you. Which makes no damn sense. I thought a couple times maybe I’d pick up a guy and fool around, but I didn’t want to cheat on Caitlin.”
    “But you and Caitlin…”
    “I know! You think this isn’t confusing? Because it is! It’s not like outside of horses and the church we even knew each other all that well. You were in my brother’s grade. We did the horse shows together and all, but you were popular and… You.” Chance stood quickly and started pacing.
    “Look, I get it. I do. I was there once. Though I can’t say it was only one man. I was raised by my father though. That’s actually why I haven’t been back to the Springs in years. I came out my second year of college and he just… got cold.”
    “Exactly!” Chance said it so quickly it made Bradley start. “I’ve been thinking on it since you brought up the bisexual thing, and it makes sense. But I can’t deal with it the way you did. I need my parents. And I do love Caitlin. I can’t lose my whole life because sex with you is the best feeling ever.”
    “The best ever, huh?” Bradley waggled his brows trying to lighten the mood, but the glare he got in return said he’d failed. He sighed. “Look, I hate this for you. Let me say that I am still really close with my sister. I didn’t lose everything, okay. But if you love Caitlin and want that to work, then remember this was just a one-time thing. I mean, we’re not trying to date.” And for all that dating this kid would be complicated as fuck, it sucked admitting that they weren’t trying to be more than a one-off, because he’d never felt so in sync when he’d had sex with anyone. Never found someone so interesting.
    “Look, we can be friends if you need to talk, okay? I’m around. It was fun, but you’ve got a life in the Springs and I’ve got mine to get back to once I’m done helping the ministry’s business side.” Lia r .
    Chance stopped and let out a breath that made his shoulders sad. “You’re too good for me anyway.” Bradley wanted to hug Chance but thought better of it. Chance straightened his shoulders. “But I do want to be okay… you know, I didn’t want it to be awkward. I didn’t want you to think you did something wrong. So here I am still rambling and… We should

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