Two Renegade Realms (Realm Walkers Book 2)

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Book: Two Renegade Realms (Realm Walkers Book 2) by Donita K. Paul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donita K. Paul
Tags: Ebook
air. “And the stillness makes me long for a breeze or raindrops.”
    Bixby cuddled Jesha closer to her chest. “I think I would lose my mind if I had to stay here.”
    Cantor lifted the oars out of the water and rested. “I hope we aren’t on a wild goose chase.”
    “Hardly!” Neekoh’s eyes widened in surprise. “I wouldn’t steer you wrong. It’s my job to escort you. We have the opportunity to restore Chomountain to his rightful place. I’ve waited all my life for someone to take down the ward.”
    “I already feel,” said Bixby, “like we’ve been on the lake for hours.” She gestured toward the shore they had left. “We can still see those lighted orbs and glowing rocks.”
    Cantor laughed. “It’s probably been all of twenty minutes.” He dipped his oars back in the black lake. “We best get going.”
    “You row very efficiently,” Bixby said. “Where did you learn?”
    “On the lake at home. Some of the best fishing spots could only be reached by boat.” He looked over his shoulder. “Could you and Jesha move to the back bench? It would be easier to talk if you were facing me, and you’ll be able to keep watch on Neekoh’s skiff from there.”
    Bixby put the cat down, stood, and moved carefully. When the boat wobbled, she sucked in a breath. She used Cantor’s shoulders to help her balance as she eased over the middlebench. Again the craft responded to shifting weight and she swayed. Her fingers dug into his shoulder. She didn’t let go until she’d turned around and was ready to sit.
    Jesha joined her and they both settled on the wider seat.
    Bixby shuddered. “I do not want to fall in that water.”
    “I’m pretty sure you’d be all right. If you fall in, remember to keep your eyes and mouth closed.”
    “How will I know where to swim?”
    “I’ll call to you, but a better plan would be — don’t fall in!”
    She giggled and relaxed. Soon, though, the silence weighed heavy in the air. The moment of peace left them.
    Bixby fidgeted. “Are you greatly discouraged since you haven’t been able to find Ahma and Odem?”
    “I was.” A grin spread across his face. “But if we find and free Chomountain after all these years, it’ll renew my hope in finding my people.”
    Bixby leaned a bit to the side to watch the other boat. “Neekoh picked up speed again, and the distance between us is growing.” Bixby shook her head. “He doesn’t look like he’s putting a lot of effort into his strokes.”
    Cantor said nothing. What could he say? He certainly wasn’t weaker than Neekoh. He rowed as well as anyone else he knew of.
    He felt a blast of heat from the bow and stern. Bixby jumped away from the shifting wood, stumbling and landing in his lap. He dropped the oars to catch her. He turned her deftly to perch on his knee. “It’s only Bridger.”
    The dragon’s great tail swayed above the water. Like a figurehead on a mighty ship, Bridger’s head stuck out from the prow. He tilted his head one way and then the other, stretching the stiffness out of his muscles. Then he craned his neckaround to look over what would have been his shoulder but was now the side of the boat.
    “I think I have too much drag, resistance to the water. I’m going to redo the woodwork of my shell. Instead of rough wood, I’ll break out dragon scales. Dragons are fast swimmers, you know.”
    Bixby giggled. “No, I can’t say that I knew that.”
    Jesha appeared from under Cantor’s seat. Bixby jumped again as the cat unexpectedly sprang into her lap.
    Cantor grabbed for the oars, thinking they would slide out into the water and be lost. He set them at rest within the boat before addressing Bixby. “What’s got you so skittish?”
    With his hands on her tiny waist, he lifted her off his lap and put her on the back bench.
    She shivered. “This lake gives me the creeps.” She looked over the edge of the boat. “Oh, Bridger! The scales are gorgeous.”
    Bridger beamed a toothy smirk and winked.

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