Six Secrets of Powerful Teams: A Practical Guide to the Magic of Motivating and Influencing Teams
a good time. That’s a necessary part of team building. Leading a high performance team means leading them in having a good time together as well. However, they never do so at the expense of another person, especially another team member. Sarcasm and other cutting comments have no place in team fun because they have the potential to hurt somebody.
    Having fun doesn’t have to come at the expense of the team’s goals. Many work activities can be made fun, and much of that has to do with how we approach those activities. If we approach them as something that we’re going to do together as a team, we set the tone for making them fun.

Be Goal Oriented
    Goals are the compass that directs the team. Regardless of what team activities are being undertaken, a high performance team leader keeps them goal oriented. It may be the team’s ultimate goal or intermediate goals that will help the team reach that ultimate goal; it’s still a goal and the team leader will keep it in focus. They’ll also ensure that their team keeps it in focus.
    This doesn’t mean that the leader has tunnel vision. Team-building activities may seem to some like a waste of time, but those team-building activities are necessary to forge the team into a high performance team. Therefore, including them in the team’s work schedule is helping the team reach its goals

Before you go….
    This book emphasizes the soft elements of the team; additional concepts are discussed in the many other books I have published.
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