Cinderella Smith

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Book: Cinderella Smith by Stephanie Barden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Barden
two,” said Erin, pointing to the kitchen table.
    Two girls were just sitting there, looking sort of bored. One of them was talking on her cell phone, and the other one was texting on hers.
    Erin and I looked at each other.
    â€œWhat should I do?” she asked.
    â€œI guess go introduce yourself,” I said.
    â€œI can’t!” said Erin, all panicky.
    â€œI’ll do it for you.” I slid off my stool and walked over to the table.

    â€œHello, I’m Erin’s friend Cinderella.” I reached out my hand to shake.
    The girls just stared at me like I was from Mars or something.
    â€œYou know, Mrs. Devlin’s daughter? The person you’re going to be sisters with?”
    The girls started cackling, but maybe it was more of a laugh.
    â€œWe’re the caterer’s daughters,” one said. “We’re just waiting for her to take us home.”
    â€œOh!” I said, all relieved. I raced back to Erin. “They’re not your stepsisters!”
    â€œPhew!” said Erin.
    â€œSo that means that two of the busy people in here are!” I opened up the notebook to the NOT WICKED page and wrote: Not lazy .
    The box unpacker set down a glass, walked over to the counter, and sat down with us.
    â€œI recognize you from pictures my dad showed me,” she said. “You’re Erin.”
    Erin stared at her.
    â€œI’m Julia, your big sister, almost.”
    Erin stared some more.
    Julia smiled. “And that girl washing dishes is Anna, your other big sis.”

    Erin stared at the girl at the sink.
    â€œHi.” I held out my hand. “I’m Erin’s friend Cinderella.”
    Julia shook my hand. “That’s an awesome name. Awesome nail color too.”
    I looked down at my nails. They were still painted black from Halloween. “Erin has the same color.”
    Erin looked down at her hands. Anna looked up from the sink.
    â€œHey, Anna,” Julia called. “This is our almost-little sis, Erin, and her pal Cinderella.”
    â€œHello!” Anna rushed over to join us.
    â€œHi,” I said.
    We all three looked at Erin.
    â€œHi,” she said, very quiet.
    â€œThe rumors are true,” said Anna. “You do look very cute in your bridesmaid dress.”
    Erin smiled a little.
    â€œWe just tried on ours really quick to make sure they fit,” said Anna.
    â€œWe’re not even sure how we look in them,” said Julia, “but who cares!”
    The notebook was still opened to their NOT WICKED page. Without thinking, I wrote: Not mirror-starers.
    â€œThey’re so long, we’re afraid we’re going to trip,” said Anna.
    â€œI’m afraid I’m going to trip too,” said Erin. I was glad she was finally talking regular.
    â€œWe’ll have to make a sister pact to catch each other if we fall,” said Anna.

    Erin laughed. “Okay.”
    â€œWhat’s that?” asked Julia, looking at the notebook.
    My face got very hot. “Um,” I said.
    Julia turned her head for a better look. “Are those our names?”
    â€œUm.” My face got even hotter.
    â€œAre you writing about us?” Julia asked.
    â€œUm.” My face got the hottest ever. I looked at Erin.
    Erin looked back at me and then took a very big breath and spilled the beans. “Yes, we are,” she said.
    My mouth popped open.
    â€œWhat have you been writing?” asked Anna.
    â€œWe’ve been figuring out if you’re wicked or not.” Erin reached out and took the notebook.
    My mouth stayed open, and now Anna’s popped open too.
    Julia smiled really big. “Why?”
    â€œBecause I didn’t want to have wicked stepsisters,” said Erin.
    Julia laughed very loud.
    â€œSo, are you?” asked Erin, not sounding nervous or anything.
    â€œI don’t think so,” said Anna, “but how would we know for sure?”
    â€œWe’ll have to write down

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