He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1)

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Book: He's Captured My Heart (Captured Series Book 1) by Karen Frances Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Frances
with Alex today but wants me to tell him without him having to ask.
    Should I just put him out of his misery? Yes .
    “Okay, we kissed.”
    Kieran seems to choke on his coffee. He’s coughing and spluttering everywhere.
    “Oh. My. God.”
    “Are you okay? Can’t have you choking to death.” I lean over to pat him on the back.
    “You can’t just say that and leave it hanging. You have to tell me more. I want all the details, honey,and I mean all the details. I knew there was something between you, but if I’m truthful with you—as I always am—I really didn’t think you’d act on it. And especially not on day one. So I want answers .”
    His last statement is definitely a demand, so I tell him the whole story—the start, the middle, and the end. Kieran hangs on every word I say, jaw dropped, mouth open. I think for the first time in all the time I’ve known Kieran, I’ve managed to shock him, but listening to my story I’ve also shocked myself. It so doesn’t sound like me. God, it took months of Jeff chasing me before I finally gave in and went on a date with him. And at the end of our first date, I only let him kiss me on the check.
    “Well, Libby, you might not believe it, but I am almost at a loss for words. That sounds like a story from Kirsty, not my sweet and much-too-innocent Libby,” Kieran says, shaking his head in mock disbelief. “Have you told Kirsty any of this yet? She’ll be as speechless as me. But seriously—all this really happened today?”
    “What can I say? I’ve surprised myself with today’s chain of events. And yes, Kirsty knows about earlier, although I know she’ll be waiting by her phone for an update. I’ll give her a call when I’m in my room.”
    “Oh, honey, I knew there was some sexual tension earlier in the office between you and that gorgeous man, but I have to say I did think you would be ableto resist. Although I can’t blame you. I wouldn’t have been able to either. I’m so disappointed to have it confirmed that I’m not his type.” Kieran pretends to pout. He has a wicked smile on his face that lets me know he’s not too disappointed that Alex isn’t his type.
    “Kieran, don’t you dare make fun of me. And anyway, Kirsty told me to have fun, so that’s what I’ve done,” I say. “Although after I refused his offer of dinner, I’m not sure how much fun I’ll have for the rest of his stay here. He’s a bit…unpredictable. Who knows how he’ll react?”
    “Libby, he wants you; that much is obvious,” Kieran says, getting up from the table. He walks round to me and takes my hand to help me up. He draws me in close for what he calls a Kieran Special, a tight hug and a kiss on my forehead. As I stand tight to him, resting my chin on his chest, I find myself totally relaxed in his arms. Kieran is up there with my dad and Ethan; they are all able to take tension away from me.
    “We’ll see.” That’s all I can say.
    We head out of the canteen. It’s way past time for Kieran to head home, and I have a few things to take care of, such as unpacking all my stuff, then giving Ethan and Kirsty both calls before I turn in for the night. We say good-night at reception, and I tell him to make sure he’s not late in the morning for our meeting.

    WHEN I GET to my room, I take my phone and put it on charge, as its dead. I start unpacking my cases and hanging clothes up in the cupboard, putting other bits and pieces, namely my underwear, in the drawers. My phone starts buzzing, indicating that I have messages. I look at it; god, there’s quite a few.
Ethan: Had a great day with Lucy. Going to crash and have an early night. Catch you tomorrow xx
Kirsty: Give me a call when you have time xx Kirsty: I so hope you will call me. I want to know how it went xx
    I better call her. Kirsty and her capital letters. There are also a couple of texts and calls from the same number.
Alex: I have your

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