A Pack For Christmas (Kansas City Vampires Book 7)

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Book: A Pack For Christmas (Kansas City Vampires Book 7) by G.R. George, Renee George Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.R. George, Renee George
years. He could kill Julia, and no one would blame him. It would be the werewolves’ fault.
    Alex’s lips were luscious and full. The heat and passion in his eyes made Julia’s pussy slick with heat. Alex wanted her, and not just for food or a Rafir substitute. Impulsively, she kissed him.
    He pulled back, licking his lips. “This is dangerous.”
    Julia smiled. Fuck the wolves. She would not give them the satisfaction of breaking them. She would do what was necessary to save Alex, and in turn, save herself. Looking into his hazel eyes, she knew he’d been honest. He desired her, and he loved her. “I trust you, Alex. I… I want this. I want you.” She meant every word.
    Alex curved his hand around Julia’s waist and down her hip, drawing her closer to him. “I don’t know if I can do this. Not without blood,” he murmured against her hair.
    She slid her arms around his waist and pressed her bare skin against his body. “I trust you, Alex.”
    His embrace tightened, and the strength of his arms made her shiver. He sighed a small sound of relief. He kissed her neck, sliding his tongue over the drying blood. A low moan escaped his throat. She could tell he was fighting for self-control, but for once she wasn’t worried about what a vampire might do to her. Alex was her only concern.
    “It’s all right,” she whispered, caressing his hair, guiding his head toward her breast. “Take what you need, Alex.”
    He rolled her sideways to her back, cupping her buttocks with one hand while gently placing her head on the floor. Julia reached for his cock, still soft without the magic of blood to fill it. She wanted him hard and unyielding inside her.
    Alex licked and sucked his way around the scars populating her chest. His fangs grazed against the few smooth undamaged places not tainted by her past. The sensation made her gasp. The floor was rough against her back, but she didn’t mind. She wanted to possess Alex, the same way Rafir did, and make him hers as well. His gentleness touched her. For the first time, she really understood why Rafir had brought him home and into their lives. They were all damaged goods, but together they were stronger. She’d made them weak by not accepting Alex. She’d made Rafir weak. And the love she felt from Alex now made her want to weep for her own months of loss.
    Alex brought back the memories of her years as a slave, but he also made her face the parts of herself she’d given up to survive those times. He made her feel like a boy should make a girl feel, desired. Her years of captivity had killed the young woman inside, dying minute by minute over a decade of torture. Alex made her feel… giddy. Even in this place, a captive once again, he made her feel like a teenager with a major crush.
    “Please,” she begged. “Take my blood, Alex.” She took his hand and pushed it between her legs, his fingers slipping between the folds of her sex. “I want you in me.”
    “Shit,” he muttered. “You’re so wet. So hot.”
    “Yes.” She panted while his fingers danced over her swollen clit, the pressure mounting an assault on her senses. “For you.”
    She felt his fangs lance the flesh at the top of her left breast, the small pain turned pleasurable as he sucked the fresh wound while sliding his fingers inside her pussy. Julia shuddered under the press of his body. She could feel his cock growing stiff between them, and she fumbled to take it in her hands.
    “In me.” She moaned. “In me now.”
    Alex licked the puncture marks, then sat back on his heels. He swept his arm behind Julia’s back and pulled her off the ground and into his lap. He held her up, her sex hovering over his erection. “I’ve wanted you, wanted this for so long. Are you sure?”
    His vulnerability, along with his unkempt sandy-brown hair, hazel eyes, and deliciously pouty mouth, almost made her want to laugh. But she didn’t. She met his gaze, conveying all her passion through her eyes.
    She leaned

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