Liar Liar

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Book: Liar Liar by Julianne Floyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julianne Floyd
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
to taste all of her.
    With her blouse hanging loosely at her sides, Matteo tugged her bra strap down over her shoulder until a single rosy nipple appeared above the fabric cup. He puckered his lips and blew a stream of air over the tip until the nub grew stiff and responsive.
    “Oh.” Jess sighed. “That feels so nice.”
    “Just wait, querida . It gets better.” He reached behind her and released her bra clasp. Jess stepped closer to him as he removed her blouse and bra with one sliding motion. For a second, he was hypnotized by her beauty, the pale perfection of her bared upper body next to his.
    She had great breasts. Not too small, not too large. They fit into his palm as if the two were made to go together. The sight of them bobbing just inches from his face was too much to withstand. He lifted a hand to her breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. Jess moaned, a sexy little sound that made his cock throb.
    After tonight, her fears and inhibitions would be gone. She’d have no grounds for investigation, as long as she didn’t find out he was the company owner, not a client. LoveLines would have its perfect record restored and Jess would be ready to take the next step toward a real relationship with her sensuality regained. He pushed away the surprising resentment that surged to the surface whenever he thought of Jess being touched, being kissed by another man. It wasn’t his place to want her this badly, but he did.
    He’d figure out the rest later.
    He lowered his head to her breasts and flicked a tongue first over one nipple, then the other. When her knees buckled, he caught her, easing them both back onto the king-sized bed. Jess inched towards the pillows, shrugging out of her pants. The sight of her nearly naked figure squeezed the air from his chest.
    In their prone position, he had ample access to every inch of her magnificent figure, obscured only by the dim room and a pale green thong. Her pale skin glowed like a beacon. He lay beside her, stroking her arms and legs, caressing her until her body relaxed. She molded against him, the planes of his pectorals flattening the curves of her naked breasts. Her bare legs twined against his faded blue jeans. His cock flexed as if sensing her pleasure core positioned just beyond the rough fabric and button fly. He ached for the silk of her skin.
    He dipped his head lower, placing open mouthed kisses between her breasts, down her rib cage to her belly. Jess bucked beneath him as he swirled his tongue around her hipbones. He lowered his hand between her legs and found her wet and swollen beneath the silk of her panties. She couldn’t hide the truth. Her legs were slick with her own juices. He wanted to lap at her, but each time he moved she pulled him back up to her mouth.
    He slipped a finger inside her, his tongue rhythmically stroking into her mouth as his finger moved inside her. His cock pulsed with each subtle motion. She was so tight and wet. He wanted to bury himself in her sweetness. It no longer mattered why.
    “You’re amazing,” he mumbled against her mouth. “So beautiful and so soft.”
    Her head was thrown back and her eyes half closed. Her breath quickened, puffing against his cheeks like butterfly kisses. Her hands reached out and tugged at his jeans. “Off,” she ordered. “Take these off.”
    “Jess,” he gasped. He couldn’t stop his pulse from leaping at the guttural sound of her voice. He wanted her so badly it hurt. But she’d been drinking. “I need to know you want this. After tonight, there’s no going back.”
    “Matt, please,” she moaned.
    “I don’t want to rush you. I don’t want things to be…uncomfortable for you the rest of the week if this doesn’t work out.” Why was he stalling, damn it? This is what he wanted, right? To seduce her?
    “I want you,” she said, leaning back onto the bed. “Right here. Right now. That much I know. We can discuss the other stuff later.” She shimmied out of her panties

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