Demons of the Ocean

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Book: Demons of the Ocean by Justin Somper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Somper
proof. A song won't help you to find your sister."
    "Last night," he said, "just before I went to sleep, I had this image of Grace sleeping safely on the ship." He smiled at the memory. The image had been so strong he had almost been able to feel the softness of her pillow."Excellent," Cheng Li said. "So, we now have one vision, one dream, and an old song to go on. Really, boy, that's about as much use to me as a paper cutlass. I'm looking for hard facts and you're giving me whims and fantasies."Connor frowned. Did she believe him or didn't she? "I'm telling you everything I can," he said."It's probably safest to give up on this," she said crushingly. "It's probably best not to get your hopes up. Captain Wrathe would berate me severely if he knew I was even having this conversation..."
    "I won't tell him," Connor said, desperate not to lose her--albeit shaky--allegiance.Cheng Li looked out to the horizon. "Could there really be such a ship?"
    Connor smiled. He knew that there could be. He could feel it in his veins. The Vampirate ship was out there somewhere and Grace was aboard. It wasn't just a matter of him believing it now. Whatever her bluster, he could tell that Cheng Li believed it--wanted to believe it--too. He had an ally."Of course," she said, "there's one rather important fact we've overlooked."Connor turned to her."Let's suppose, just suppose, for a moment that the Vampirate ship does exist. And let's suppose that this ship does have your sister aboard ..."
    "Yes," Connor said, impatient for her to continue."There's no easy way to say this, boy. If it's a ship of demons--of Vampirates--what do you suppose they want with your sister?"She might as well have pierced his heart with an icicle. Connor felt her words cut through him but he couldn't disregard the truth of them. What a fool he'd been. Here he'd been clinging on desperately to the idea that Grace had been rescued by the Vampirate ship. But even if she was on board, it wasn't a rescue. And even if she was still alive this very morning, she might not be for long. Cheng Li had said before that drowning was a gentle way to die. Death at the hands of the Vampirates was unlikely to be quite so peaceful.

    "How long have I been here?" Grace asked, as Lorcan stepped into her cabin, bearing a tray of food."And a good day to you, too!" he said, smiling."How long have I been here? How many days?"
    "Let me see," he said, setting the tray down on the desk opposite her bed. "Why, I believe it's been... three days and nights. No, no, I'm wrong. Make that four."Four days and four nights. Grace trembled. If he hadn't told her, she would have had no clue. Since her arrival on the ship, she had found it impossible to keep track of time. Of course it didn't help that her watch had stopped and that there was no clock in the cabin. Being stuck in here, with the curtain drawn, she was mostly deprived of daylight.
    She felt tired so much of the time that it added to her sense of disorientation."I brought you some hot porridge," he said. "You must be hungry."She was hungry but she had questions for him and he was becoming far too skillful at deflecting them. He'd lull her into eating the food and then she'd feel tired and lose focus on what she'd been waiting to ask him. And, after a time, she'd close her eyes and drift off to sleep. And when she woke he'd be gone--her questions unanswered. But no--not this time."Lorcan, where is my brother?"
    "I don't know that, Grace," Lorcan said. "You know I'd tell you if I did."
    "It's been four days," she said. "I want to see Connor. I need to know where he is. I need to know he's all right." She was close to tears from a mixture of exhaustion and frustration."I'm sorry, Grace. Truly I am. But I have no answers for you. Only the captain can answer those questions."
    "Then I must see the captain," she said, suddenly purposeful. "Would you take me to him?"
    "I'll have to talk to him first. I can't just take you to his

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