Something to Talk About

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Book: Something to Talk About by Melanie Woods Schuster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Woods Schuster
miserable. He was frankly amazed that she’d ac ed all her exams and was still going to take on a fellowship over the summer. He smiled wryly, thinking that in many ways, she reminded him of his sister Benita. She was completely feminin e, true, but she was also tough and resolute. No one was going to keep her down for long.
    Adam looked around his partially packed apartment and sighed deeply. In a few days he’d be heading off to California for a summer internship and he’d be away from the situation in body, but not in mind. The thought of being away from Alicia was causing him distress he didn’t want to deal with. He walked over to the stereo system that was still set up and slipped in a Miles Davis CD. The lush love song that issued from the speakers probably wasn’t the best choice, given his mood. He was about to substitute his favorite Roxy Music CD when he heard a knock at the door. He wasn’t really dressed for company; he was wearing denim shorts that had seen their best days some years before and he was shirtless. He was also barefoot, but anyone who came to his place unannounced had to take him as he was. Opening the door he was stunned to find Alicia, soaking wet from the rain and trembling.
    He ushered her in immediately, asking what was wrong. “Baby, you’re wet to the skin and you don’t even have a coat on. What’s the matter, Alicia? What brought you out in this rain?”
    She shook her head mutely and he realized that the moisture on her face wasn’t just rain, it was tears. He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest, his heart breaking as she sobbed against his neck.
    “Alicia, baby, tell me what’s wrong,” he entreated her. “What’s happened to hurt you so, angel? Tell me.”
    Her sobs continued as though his soft words only made her feel worse. Picking her up in his arms as though she were a tiny child, he carried her into his bedroom and sat her on the bed.
    “I’ll get it all wet," she said, sniffling.
    “No, you won’t. I’m going to get you all dry, how’s that?” he said softly. He handed her some big fluffy towels and one of his sweatshirts, plus a pair of thick woolen socks. “Take off those wet things and put these on. I’m going to make you some tea, okay? I’ll be right back.”
    In a short time she was attired in dry clothing and sitting in the middle of the bed looking lost and embarrassed and he was back with a steaming mug of tea that smelled heavenly. It also had a delicious taste as she discovered when she took a sip. She smiled when she realized that he’d laced it with rum. “Mmm, that’s nice,” she murmured.
    Adam didn’t answer. He was busy lighting some big scented candles on his dresser. He got in the bed with her and completely surprised her by sitting behind her so he could dry her hair. He wrapped a towel around her shoulders and removed the band from her hair to begin blotting the moisture from it while he talked to her in a soft, soothing voice.   9888888888886 She allowed his hands and the sound of his voice to lull her out of her agitation. Only the occasional hiccup remained of her tears and she felt warm and protected. After the tea was finished she leaned forward to put the mug on the nightstand. Then she scooted back against Adam and sighed raggedly as she felt his arms enfold her.
    “She’s pregnant, Adam. She came to see me today, to tell me she was having Preston’s baby and to ask me to stay out of his life so they could be together,” she said, unaware that her voice was shaking. “As if I’d give that louse the time of day. If his head was on fire I wouldn’t pour a glass of water on it,” she added with as much scorn as she could muster with the tears returning. “I don’t ever want to see him again in this life and I don’t care wha t happens to him, or to her, but here I am crying like an idiot and I don’t know why,” she sobbed.
    Adam couldn’t stand her anguish one more second. He turned her

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