Boogiepop Returns VS Imaginator Part 1

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Book: Boogiepop Returns VS Imaginator Part 1 by Kouhei Kadono Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kouhei Kadono
Tags: Science-Fiction, Mystery, Manga
was feeling a little guilty, I just stayed and hid under the desk. It was a fairly large desk -- it filled about a sixth of the room -- with enough room for a large computer with plenty of desk space left for paperwork.
    I hunched down in the shadow of the drawer, and breathed as quietly as I could. I was completely hidden.
    The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and several people came in.
    “-- But Asukai-sensei, we really are friends. We don't hate each other at all, right, Yuriko?”
    “Y-yeah. . .”
    Sounded like two girls and a man. The man must be Asukai Jin.
    “Mm, maybe a bad choice of words. See, almost all humans hate each other. I just meant that you were no exception. I'm not making it out like you two are a special case or anything.”
    Asukai Jin's voice was very calm, a clear, beautiful tenor.
    “But, that's so. . .”
    “. . . . . . . . .”
    One of the girls was pretty outgoing, while the other one mostly did whatever she was told, it seemed.
    “Shall we get started. . . ? What is it?”
    “I’m.. .er, are we really going to. . . ?” The stronger girl asked, sounding a little nervous.
    “Everyone else is. If you don't want to join them, I'm not forcing anybody.”
    “No, we'll do it!” The follower said.
    “Yu -- Yuriko?”
    “Let's do it, Misaki. I don't want to be just an exam student anymore. . . ..!”
    “Yuriko. .. . . .”
    “What do you think?” Asukai asked. “This is your choice to make. I can't make it for you.”
    “Tell me exactly what to do. That way I can. . .”
    (What the hell are they talking about?)
    Completely forgetting that I was supposed to be hiding, I started to get annoyed by the incomprehensible conversation.
    Asukai continued, detached. “I can't. The Imaginator doesn't force anyone. It's a simple choice. You can influence events, or you can be swept along by them.”
    A word I knew suddenly popped out, surprising me. That name was from the work of a writer I had been a big fan of. I wasn't sure if it had the same meaning here or not, though.
    Forgetting the danger, I poked my face out a little, peering up into the room through the gap between the chair and the drawer.
    The girl called Misaki was biting her fingernails.
    “Asukai-sensei, can you do me alone?” Yuriko asked. The two girls had similar hair styles and faces.
    “Hmm?” Asukai Jin's face was hidden from my vantage point. All I could make out were his white clothes.
    He was moving slowly towards me. I stiffened, but he didn't pull the chair out. Instead, he sat down on top of the desk.
    Inches from my face, he started swinging his long, slim legs. I'd never seen a man's legs this close up before. I could feel my cheeks burning, for no reason.
    “Then you'd need a different partner, someone other than Kitahara-kun.”
    “I'll find one!”
    “Wait, Yuriko!” Misaki yelped. I couldn't figure out why she was so upset.
    What were they up to? What were they talking about doing?
    “Like I have a choice! You don't want to?!”
    “But I. . .”
    “Get out!”
    “You have no right to be in the same room as Asukai-sensei!” Yuriko yelled harshly. It was no surprise he had said that they hated each other.
    'N-no! That's just. . . okay, I'll do it! Please, Sensei, I'll do it!” she said, turning her gaze above me, presumably looking Asukai Jin in the eye.
    “All right. I respect your decision.” Asukai Jin stood up.
    Suddenly, he reached out his hands to the girl's chests, and started undoing the buttons, stripping their shirts right off.
    (What?! Whaaaat?!!)
    I panicked. I'd been worried it was something like this, but for it to be this sexual. . .
    But the bare -- chested girls turned not towards Asukai Jin, but towards each other.
    They closed the gap between them, and placed their hands on each other's shoulders.
    “Stop there. . . now, don't move,” Asukai directed, just as their breasts were about to touch.
    He turned his back towards me, and reached out towards

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