Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire

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Book: Young Samurai 06 - The Ring of Fire by Chris Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Bradford
immediately disappeared into the snow-shrouded landscape.
    ‘You could be right!’ said Hayato, hurriedly nocking another arrow.
    Jack withdrew his sword, but the attack happened so fast, it took them all by surprise.
    Out of nowhere, a manriki whirled through the air towards Hayato. He ducked, but the short weighted chain wrapped itself around his bow, incapacitating it. A moment later, a white shadow materialized from behind a tree and kicked Saburo in the gut. He collapsed to the ground, winded. Hearing his cry, the farmers fled in panic. But Yori quickly rallied them back into a group, holding out his shakujō ’s pointed iron tip as a weapon.
    Jack turned to pursue Saburo’s assailant, but once again the white shadow had vanished. As Hayato disentangled his bow, Jack scanned the woodland for their invisible enemy. But it was like hunting for a needle in a haystack.
    He felt a tug on his sleeve and Neko was by his side, indicating with her eyes to a nearby tree. He saw nothing. Yet Neko was insistent.
    Staring more intently, he noticed a slight bulge on the topside of a lower bough. Yuudai spotted it too. Being closest, he rushed to grab the hidden form. But it flew from the bough, kicking out as it launched itself over Yuudai’s head. A mountain of snow cascaded from the branches, engulfing the boy up to his waist.
    The white-clad assassin landed cat-like in front of Jack.
    Before his opponent could attack, Jack brought his katana slicing downwards. Pulling a white-handled blade from the saya on its back, the shadow deflected the lethal strike and locked eyes with Jack.
    ‘ What a way to welcome a friend! ’ hissed the assassin.
    Jack almost dropped his katana .
    ‘Miyuki?’ he said, recognizing the voice behind the mask.
    ‘Who else could sneak up on you so easily?’
    Miyuki was dressed head-to-toe in a pure white shinobi shozoku , the customary winter garb of a ninja. Sheathing his katana , Jack burst into a grin at being reunited with his ninja training partner.
    Hotei the Laughing Buddha is certainly on my side , thought Jack.
    Although to begin with Miyuki had despised him for being a samurai – a ruthless samurai warrior having murdered her parents and baby brother – over time their respect and trust for one another had grown until they became firm friends. He was over the moon to see her again.
    ‘NO!’ shouted Jack, as Hayato freed his bow and aimed an arrow at her back.
    In the blink of an eye, Miyuki spun to throw a shuriken in retaliation. Jack grabbed her arm before she could release the deadly throwing star. Hayato and Miyuki glared at one another, a fierce battle of wills in play.
    Yuudai, shaking off the snow, advanced on her too.
    ‘Miyuki’s a friend !’ insisted Jack, holding up a hand in a vain attempt to stop the massive boy.
    ‘She’s a ninja!’ said Hayato coldly, keeping the bow in tension.
    ‘And you’re a samurai!’ replied Miyuki with equal contempt. Her free hand now held a throwing knife targeted at Hayato’s throat.
    Jack stepped between them, trying to break the tension. ‘Her ninja clan once saved me. She’s on our side.’
    Groaning, Saburo struggled to his feet with the help of Neko.
    ‘If she’s a friend of yours,’ he wheezed, rubbing his belly, ‘why did she have to kick me so hard?’
    ‘I didn’t know if you were friend or foe,’ replied Miyuki, offering no sympathy.
    Yori, leaving the bewildered farmers huddled at a safe distance, placed himself in the middle of the confrontation.
    ‘I’m Yori,’ he said, bowing respectfully to Miyuki. ‘I’m a friend of Jack’s – which must make us friends too!’
    His smile was both genuine and disarming, and Miyuki lowered her knife in acknowledgement. With the situation defused, Hayato released the tension on his bow and retreated with Yuudai. But he didn’t take his eyes off the ninja.
    ‘What are you doing here ?’ asked Jack.
    Miyuki stared at him as if the answer was obvious.
    ‘To rescue you, of

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