Bangkok (That Wedding Girl Book 3)

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Book: Bangkok (That Wedding Girl Book 3) by Maggie Way Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Way
if you two started dating? We could be sisters!”
    Well at least I have her approval, not that I had even considered it. We walk closely together out of the room, our arms brushing each other.
Yvonne says she will tell me what happens. She wants the rehearsal to go ahead as usual, and she will talk to Terry that night. I really hope it works out, for her sake. And for mine too, what the hell is Tristan going to think if my first wedding through him got cancelled? Hardly going to leave a good first impression is it?
    I would hate to see a wedding get cancelled the day before. The familiarity is too…uncomfortable.
    Is this going to be the one wedding I can’t save?

    The rehearsal went well, almost too well. Father Michael was amazingly efficient, that Gabe and I just had to watch the audience from time to time and field an occasional question from a member of the family. Terry looked glum and stiff as usual. Dean looked happy and relaxed as always, and I caught him looking at me a few times.
    However, all I could focus on was Yvonne.  A strained smile sat permanently on her face as she walked down the aisle with her father, Bill, and she showed her big teeth all the way through Terry’s vows. I could see the strain on her face, the sadness in her pretty and wide eyes. 
    Watching the blessing and giving of rings was painful, and even Gabe winced a few times at how distant Yvonne looked during the whole thing. As Father blessed the rings and declared “The circle of the ring declares the unity and the oneness of your two lives, which shall contain your devotion beyond every journey that you may always return again to your togetherness.” Yvonne could only smile politely at Terry.
    Aside from the miserable bride, the rest of the rehearsal went without a hitch. Prayers of the faithful, the preparation of offerings, the Eucharistic prayer, sign of peace, and the recessional. It all went by very smoothly, but I’m nervous about how it’s all going to go down tonight.
    Since Gabe and I aren’t needed at the reception, I will only find out the fate of the wedding tonight. Or maybe tomorrow morning. It’s stressful, just thinking about it…
    I’m sitting cross-legged on the bed, my laptop resting on my knees. It’s 8.05pm and the rehearsal reception should have been finished half an hour ago. Every now and then I look eagerly at my phone, hoping for an update from Yvonne.
    Because I’m getting increasingly worried about the wedding being cancelled, I start making processions. Drafting a note and script that Yvonne and Terry can use to tell the guests. Going through the gifts they have received, and what they have to return. The costs they will have to incur for cancelling.
    Suddenly, my mobile rings. I pick it up before looking at the name on the screen. It’s definitely Yvonne.
    “Hey, is it still going ahead?” I ask eagerly.
    “Is what still going ahead?” that husky voice replies. My heart shoots up at the sound of Tristan’s voice on the other line. It’s loud where he is, I can hear raunchy R&B music in the background.
    “Oh, nothing.”
    “Are you having a good time?” His voice softens, and suddenly I miss him. I miss his voice.
    No, because you’re not here.
    “Yeah I am, everything is going swimmingly,” I lie, rather well. “How’s Pattaya going?”
    Suddenly, I hear some rowdy laughter in the background, and several pairs of heels clacking on the floor. I can practically smell the seedy booze and perfume over the phone.
    “Yeah, I think Matt and his friends won’t forget his bachelor party for a while.”
    “When are the strippers coming?” I tease.
    He laughs softly. “What strippers? This is a tame and conservative women free, booze free event.”
    As if on cue, a throng of girls giggle coquettishly.
    “As you were saying?” I tease.
    “Are you going okay with the event, do you need any—”
    “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
    Yes, I do – the fate of the

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