Deception (Absent Shadows Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: Deception (Absent Shadows Trilogy Book 3) by S.M. Spencer Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.M. Spencer
really. So I suppose it hasn’t been a high priority. But I’m sure that now you’ve come back—well, this does change things.’
    ‘You don’t need to make excuses for him. I’ll ring Debs. I’m sure it will be fine for me to stay there until I decide what to do. I mean, I don’t know whether Sam will want me to stay, or whether I should just go back to California.’
    ‘Oh, I’m sure Sam wouldn’t want that.’
    ‘Are you? Are you sure, Crystal?’
    ‘Get some rest, Lili. I’ll see you in the morning. Things will work out as they should. They always do.’

~ Chapter Eight ~
    Rest wasn’t something that came easy—not that first night, and not the next few either. I couldn’t stop stressing over the uncertainty of how things stood with Sam, and I was plagued by the knowledge that in a few days I’d have to let go of Ceylona.
    Letting go of Ceylona—even saying the words was hard. But watching her with Ben and Henry made it infinitely clear that she belonged here. I was the one that was out of place. I was out of sorts and missing her company already because for the first time in over three years, she didn’t need me. Ben and Henry monopolised her time—and between them and Sebastian, her days were spent getting to know the school, its grounds, and the way of life she would have for the foreseeable future. Indeed, their influence was having a big effect—her vocabulary was expanding exponentially, and even though she had just turned three, each evening she would explain her whole day’s activities to me in a great amount of detail.
    During the day, Ceylona didn’t need me. And Crystal was nowhere to be seen. I assumed she was simply busy with Mladen—planning classes for Ceylona perhaps. Whatever it was, she hardly seemed to remember that I was around at all.
    At least Jenny appreciated my company. I think having me there, as someone that had gone through exactly what she was going through, was a relief for her. And so for those first few days we walked around the grounds, and swam, and chatted. Occasionally we’d sit quietly and I would try to read, but that was useless because I couldn’t even focus on the words—all I could do was think about Sam and how desperate I was to see him. If Jenny and I weren’t talking, the thoughts went round and round in my head as I tried to convince myself that there was no basis for my worrying. I went back and forth, one minute making excuses for his lack of communication, and then the next getting mad at him for being so distant. Then I’d get mad at myself for not being understanding enough.
    And then there was Angelica. I was keeping a close eye on her ever since I’d caught her looking admiringly at Ben that first night. On a few occasions I spotted her trying to pin him down in conversation, and it made my skin crawl; I couldn’t imagine her as my daughter-in-law. Luckily, when Jenny’s baby arrived, both Ben and Henry were fascinated with him. Between spending time with the baby and with Ceylona, Ben seemed to have little time for Angelica. I couldn’t help secretly smiling when I saw him cut short her attempts at conversation on more than one occasion.
    But unlike Ben and Henry, Crystal seemed to have plenty of time for Angelica. And if I was to be honest with myself, I had to admit that this made me more than a little jealous.
    But at least there was one thing Crystal and Angelica’s friendship didn’t extend to; Crystal had asked me not to mention anything about Jenny’s husband. She said it was to be our secret, and that the others, including Angelica, weren’t to be told. I found it hard to wipe the smile off my face when I remembered Crystal saying that. At least I had this one bit of insight into Crystal that Angelica didn’t have. Crystal was my friend. We had a special bond, and I took great pleasure from that knowledge.
    Debs was thrilled when I rang to say I was at Mladen’s. And when I explained that Sam was staying at

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