The Herald's Heart

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Book: The Herald's Heart by Rue Allyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rue Allyn
directions. Until then, I’m very tired and do not want to be disturbed this night.”
    “I understand, sir.”
    “Good night then.” He dismissed the man and entered the solar.
    “Good night, sir.”
    Talon shut the door and strode to the hearth. He stirred the fire, then stripped off his clothing. So, the earl did not visit Hawksedge often nor maintain a large staff, for all it was his ancestral seat. According to Cleve, the earl only came to Hawksedge Keep when necessity demanded. What necessity had brought him this time? Hopefully Baron Le Hourde would be able to cast some light on that question.
    Setting the keep to rights was Cleve’s reason for the delay in discovering the earl’s traveling chair. And in truth, the keep was taking a great deal of work. Work that Talon had shared. And though his body ached, at least he no longer stank. Had Larkin enjoyed his song?
    He’d realized she was there after Alice left. He couldn’t miss the trail of small damp footprints that led from the tub to the bed curtains. The lavender-and-pansy-scented soap had confirmed his suspicions. Teasing her pleased him a small bit, and no harm had been done, for none knew she’d witnessed his bath. Save for crafty old Alice, who’d tried to help Larkin escape. His only regret was that he had not been able to witness her bathing.
    Larkin gleaming and wet was a sight to please any man. Talon had been a long time without bed play, and lithesome Larkin would be just the woman to relieve his needy cock. She might find some pleasure too, if she would allow it. He’d never had complaints from other women. Given her claim to be Lady Larkin Rosham and the solutions she’d attempted to prove herself, he knew her to be creative and persistent. He admired her inventive determination, but they would both be better served with her creativity put to use in bed, not dreaming up more lies.
    He stretched, easing the ache that set across his shoulders. Soon he would have that pleasure. ’Twas enough for now that Lady Falsehood remained within the keep where he could seduce her at his leisure. He hummed the tune he hoped would lead to Larkin’s landing in his bed. Tomorrow, after he’d set a more thorough search for the earl in motion, he would pursue the maid when the opportunity presented itself.
    He turned to the bed, pulled aside the velvet drapery, and stared at the female occupying the feather mattress, then reached for her.
    • • •
    Larkin climbed the stairs to the second floor. She was weary to the bone, but at least she no longer smelled like a midden. She looked longingly at the solar. The bed there was soft and warm, and she dearly wished to sleep in comfort. But Sir Talon occupied that bed. He might welcome her, but she would not welcome the consequences of joining him. Especially not if it involved meetings and greetings like those he’d sung about. That cursed song had tortured her thoughts all afternoon. She’d tried every trick she knew to escape the bawdy verses and met with failure at each attempt.
    She shook her head and told herself firmly to get to the small chamber directly across from the solar and settle down for the night. She’d selected that room because it was the least filthy of those available. The room held a cot with ticking, and she’d gotten linens from the laundress. Tomorrow she would scour the room from top to bottom. For tonight, ’twas enough to have clean linens, a warm blanket, and privacy. She held her chamber door ajar when a shout of laughter from the solar stopped her.
    “Argrh, you’ve no need to be sharp with me. I am beset with feminine invasions of my chamber. First that red-haired nymph steals into my bath. Now you, Cat, steal into my bed.”
    She gasped. The lecher. He’d known all along. He needed to know that his behavior was unpardonable. She entered the solar and slammed the door behind her. “You wretched man. You knew I was here.”
    His jaw dropped. “I beg pardon?”

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