Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1]

Free Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1] by C. L. Scholey

Book: Fire's Flame [Elements Book 1] by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
Tags: Erotic Romance Fantasy
threat. Melinda Barkley will be the only credible witness. Even if the nine year old testifies against his dad, the lawyers will scream coercion on mom’s part. They’d tear the poor boy a new set on the stand. If dear old dad gets hold of his kids, who knows what hell he’ll put them through. They’ll be too terrified to say anything. Can you imagine growing up like that? In a house of horrors.”
    “The text was a lucky break. If I can get the right judge for a warrant…. If you were a billionaire in hiding where would you go?”
    “Yacht, definitely head for the open seas, international waters, where I’d be untouchable.”
    “I think I can get my hands on a private yacht,” Flame said.
    “The man is dangerous,” Ray said in warning.
    “So am I,” Flame replied.
    “It will be tricky getting close to him.”
    “There has to be some way. First let me get my hands on the yacht; I’m certain we can come up with a viable plan.”
    Cell phone in hand, she began to call in a favor.
    * * * *
    Flame had just zipped her luggage; she gripped the handle, turned and face planted into Ignis’ chest. Ignis reached to steady her, but her bag toppled to the floor. Ignis lifted it and held it up.
    “Going somewhere?” he asked.
    “My friend’s boat leaves in an hour. We’re not positive, but we have a lead on Barkley’s yacht. I need to move on this fast.”
    Flame reached for her luggage, but Ignis refused to part with it.
    “You think you found Barkley.”
    “Not exactly.”
    “How much not exactly is not exactly?”
    “Fire, I don’t have time for games. Now hand me my bag and let me do my work.”
    Flame squealed when her luggage burst into a million sizzling embers.
    “I cannot go on the water; there is very little fire aboard a sea-faring vessel. You will remain on dry land where I can keep a close eye on you.”
    “I have the firewall for protection,” she reminded him.
    “And when you incinerate the vessel, you’ll find yourself floundering in water. Even the firewall can’t burn surrounded by ocean. I won’t chance you getting hurt.”
    “That can’t be helped. And I’ll be fine. From your look, I’m guessing my great wall of protection will weigh the pros and cons of me bursting into flames.”
    “If you go aboard the yacht and someone shoots at you, the wall will go up; unfortunately, the vessel will burn and once you hit the water the flames will be doused. I’ve warned you, a controlling alpha element can’t be everywhere at once. Nimbus does not spend every moment in one ocean or rain cloud.”
    “Then let’s hope no one shoots at me,” she said and sighed.
    Flame scooted around him. Fire followed her down the stairs; she knew he was fuming—she smelled it. When she turned to confront him at the front door she once more banged her nose into his hard unclad chest.
    “If Barkley is on the water, I will ask Nimbus to search for him,” Fire said.
    “This is my job,” she said through clenched teeth. “And what will Nimbus do? He can’t bring him in with cuffs on. I had to jump through hoops to obtain a warrant for Barkley’s arrest.”
    “Where’s the warrant?”
    “Oh no you don’t. I can’t have that going up in flames.”
    “My brother can sink the craft.”
    “No one would like to see the murdering bastard drown more than me. But I’m not a killer—you will not be my assassin. Barkley isn’t the only one on board.”
    “You said the yacht leaves in one hour. Give me one hour. When Nimbus finds him you can get an escort.”
    “Fine. Your brother has the time it takes for me to get to the boat.”
    Fire disappeared up the chimney. Flame left. It didn’t take her long to drive to the harbor where the yacht was waiting. Ray was already on deck, a smile of relief lit his face.
    “You travel light,” he mentioned.
    “I do today,” she grumbled.
    “I got here early figuring I’d need to make at least a dozen trips back and forth to your car,” he

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