For The Love Of Leon
    For The Love Of Leon by J. S. Morbius
    ISBN: 978-1-927415-88-7
    First Edition 2013
    Published by: Naughty Nights Press (NNP)
    Primary Editor: A.C. Howard
    Photography & Cover Design by Shane Willis, RAD ACT Photography
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    For The Love Of Leon
    Chapter One
    Sitting in the park enjoying the scorching sun, my attention was drawn to the couples there. Lying around, walking hand in hand, they were everywhere. I found myself wishing life had been kind enough to grant me a relationship like theirs. It wasn’t as though I hadn’t tried to have something like that in my life. I’d done everything to find the right person and settle down. But they had all been meaningless, intense passion and nothing else, fizzling out after months, sometimes weeks. Try as I might, no one I had ever met seemed to want to commit to a long-term relationship. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was fucking great, always the star of a relationship, but some nights I would have liked someone to go out with. A meal, the cinema, or even a concert, and then home like a loving couple. Someone who didn’t just want to fuck, but someone who liked to kiss and cuddle, someone to wake up with and make breakfast for.
    Just watching the crowds started to get me down and I stood up, making my way out of the park, aimlessly wandering to anywhere I didn’t have to stare at all the happiness around me. Staring in shop windows at fancy designer gear I could easily afford, but had no reason to own, pissed me off even more. I made my way to a small bar by the river I knew wouldn’t be over-crowded with more couples.
    Once there, I ordered a pint and sat outside by the river’s edge, just watching the barges trundle by and the handful of fisherman desperately trying to outdo each other with their catches. Smiling to myself, I felt a lot more

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