Demon Moon

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Book: Demon Moon by Meljean Brook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meljean Brook
Tags: english eBooks
    She’d thought if she offered her blood to him, she wouldn’t be hurt by it.
    She should have known better.
    Frigid fingers drifted beneath her shirt, along the curve of her waist. It felt fantastic. Her skin was tight, burning, and his hand trailed over her stomach like a block of ice. His cold form rocked against her back. His erection. Perhaps he could cool her from inside, make her forget…
    But no—that was one of the drawbacks of her memory. Her mother’s screams, forever captured. Her brother’s tortured, bubbling breaths. Her father’s silence.
    And Colin’s fangs buried in her throat, desolation and horror tearing through her mind as her body shuddered beneath his.
    He’d done it to teach her a lesson—and by god, she had learned. Her brain had gotten the message.
    Her body had not.
    She was on fire. Alcohol hadn’t dulled it, water hadn’t doused it. She hated being drunk; she couldn’t think.
    A shiver wracked her when his fingers slid higher. Her nipples drew tight beneath the silk.
    “You’re so hot,” said the rough voice behind her.
    Like a demon. Averaging 106.7 degrees Fahrenheit, 41.5 degrees Celsius, 314.65 degrees Kelvin. Or did he mean it in that you’re-sexy-come-home-with-me way? Didn’t he have a partner to share blood and a bed with? Perhaps he was one of those vampires whose partner had been killed by the nosferatu.
    Vampires didn’t drink from humans, not unless they intended to transform them. If that was what he offered, why not take him up on it? She was going to eventually, anyway.
    He could turn her, and she would live forever.
    Clammy lips touched the back of her neck. Cold, wet—like the nosferatu. Oh, god . This wasn’t what she’d promised Nani. She ripped out of his grasp, staggered forward.
    Colin caught her. He hadn’t been there a moment before; she was certain of it. She’d seen him at his table, where he’d spent the whole of the night. Watching her.
    She hadn’t known he could move so quickly.
    His arm circled her waist, his chest hard and warm against hers. He didn’t look at her, but over her head. His jaw clenched in a tight line.
    Behind her, the vampire babbled incoherently.
    “He didn’t do anything,” Savi said quickly. This vampire didn’t deserve to pay for her mistake, her stupidity, her drunkenness. But how to convince Colin?
    She tried not to slur. “Your lips are beautiful.”
    He flinched, and lowered his gaze. “You bloody foolish chit. You think to manipulate me?” he gritted, but his eyes softened as he searched her features, as he inhaled her breath. “Christ. You’re completely foxed.”
    “Deep in my cups,” she agreed, nodding.
    He blinked. After a long moment, a smile teased the corners of his mouth. “Sweet Savitri, what have you been reading?”
    She needed to stop looking at him; surely he was worse for her brain than alcohol. But the firm curves of his upper lip were extraordinary—the dip in the center looked as wide as her forefinger. She reached up to test it.
    “I had a phase about five years ago. I read about lords and ladies. Waltzes. Did you waltz?” The faint stubble was rough against her fingertip; a perfect fit.
    Colin gripped her wrist, pulled it away, and slid his hand down to clasp his palm against hers. “Yes.” His other hand settled over her hip. “Toss him out,” he said to someone behind her. “Clear them all out.”
    And he swept her off her feet.
    She didn’t know how he did it; though past closing time, dancers still bumped and ground across the floor—yet he twirled her through them without touching a single person. She couldn’t keep up or match his steps. He lowered his forearm to cradle her bottom, then he lifted her against him and glided.
    “Oh my god.” Lights and colors whirled around her.
    “Focus on my beautiful lips, Savitri, lest you become dizzy.”
    “And cast up my accounts?”
    “Yes,” he said, laughing; how could she not look at his mouth when he did

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