“Practical? The most practical thing in the world,“ Mad Henry said. “It’s exactly what Henry Ford is doing,“ in his rather high-pitched, boyish voice. “If you make a really good hat, and take it apart carefully, and make a die to cut all the pieces, then you can make endless identical copies on an assembly line. One group of people would lay out the fabric and cut it, the next would put the first two pieces together, the next group would add the brim, the next would put on the net or flowers or whatever you wanted and you’d have dozens and dozens of hats in no time.“
“All the same size,“ Phoebe said with a laugh. “And identical.“
“You could make batches in different sizes.”
“But they’d all look exactly the same.“ Phoebe was being very patient.
“Of course. That’s the beauty of it.“
“Mr. Troer,“ Phoebe said patiently, “you neglect the human element. Women don’t want other women to be wearing the same hat they are.“
“Why on earth not? A hat is a hat, just like an automobile is an automobile.“
“That’s precisely where you’re wrong on two points,“ Phoebe said, hanging up the lightweight duster she’d been wearing. As she brushed some of the dirt from Henry’s truck from the hem, she said, “One: a hat is an ornament to a woman, like her jewelry and dress. Her choice should be attractive on her and say something about her taste and style. Two: a car isn’t just a car. Your truck is nothing like Robert’s Duesenberg.“
“Robert has a Duesenberg?“ Mad Henry exclaimed. There were three quick, small crashes as the screwdrivers he’d been clutching in one hand dropped to the floor.
Lily stepped into the conversation. “He does, indeed, Henry, and he’d love nothing better than to show it to you.”
She fetched Robert, which wasn’t easy. He was having a conversation with Rachel, and Lily nearly needed to smack him to get his attention. But realizing that he was going to get to show off the Duesenberg, he abandoned Rachel. As Lily shepherded him along to the front hall she turned to take a quick look back. Cecil and Addie were having an animated discussion by the fireplace, Raymond was studying a painting on the far wall, and Mrs. Ethridge was showing Rachel something in a magazine. All appeared to be going well enough.
Bud was still in the hall. “May I help you?“ she asked.
“No, miss. I’m here to help you if you need me. Captain West said I was to be useful.“
“Oh... how nice,“ Lily said, supposing this was really West’s way of getting Bud out of his hair. “Would you mind gathering up the empty glasses in the yellow parlor then?”
Bud nodded and went to the task.
Mad Henry had gone out to unload a number of small wooden crates from his truck and Robert was helping him. Phoebe Twinkle was watching them from the door.
“What a peculiar man,“ she said with a smile as Lily came to stand beside her. “What may I do to help?“
“Nothing that I can think of, except to chat with the others. I’ll introduce you to everyone. We do appear to have a few problems you should be aware of. Remember the woman who said my friend Addie had told her about this? Mrs. Ethridge? Well, Addie didn’t tell her and is very unhappy that she’s here. I’d appreciate it if you’d help me keep them from being involuntarily thrown together.“
“Will do,“ Phoebe said, making an elaborate gesture as if pulling two wrestlers apart. “What else?“
“Charm Mr. West. He’s obviously not happy to be here.“
“Then why did he come?“ Phoebe asked.
Lily said, “I have no idea. But you have an uncanny ability for cheering people up. Apply it, please!”
As they were speaking, Julian West came clumping down the stairs. “Where am I to go?“ he asked Lily curtly.
Phoebe took over. “You must be Captain West,“ she said, approaching him. “How very nice to meet you. I’m Phoebe Twinkle. I live here and work in the