added as an aside.
“Terrific,” I grimaced. “Now tell me what it means.”
“They’re initials to remember an information checklist,” Aahz confided. ‘‘‘Salute’ stands for Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, and Equipment. That’s fine as far as it goes, but it assumes no judgmental ability on the part of the scout. I prefer ‘Sam’ and ‘Doc’. That stands for Strength, Armament, Movement, and Deployment, Organization, and Communications.”
“Oh,” I said, hoping he wasn’t expecting me to remember all this.
“Now, using that framework,” Aahz continued, “let’s summarize what we’ve seen so far. Size: there are lots of them, enough so it’s kind of pointless to try for an exact count. Movement: currently, they’re just sitting there.”
“I got that far all by myself,” I pointed out sarcastically.
“The big key, however,” Aahz continued ignoring me, “is in their Armament and Equipment. When you look at this, consider both what is there and what isn’t.”
“How’s that again?” I asked.
“What’s there is a lot of foot-schloggers, infantry, a little artillery in the form of catapults and archers, but nothing even vaguely resembling cavalry. That means they’re going to be slow when they move, particularly in battle. We don’t have to worry about any fast flanking moves; it’ll be a toe-to-roe slugfest.”
“But, Aahz ...”I began.
“As to the Deployment and Organization,” he pushed on undaunted, “they’re strung out all over the place, probably became it’s easier to forage for food that way. Then again, it displays a certain confidence on their part that they don’t feel it’s necessary to mass their forces. I think we’re looking at their Organization, a collection of companies or battalions, each under the leadership of two or three officers, all under the guidance of a super-leader or general.”
“Aahz ...”I tried again.
“Communications seems to be their most vulnerable point,” Aahz pushed on doggedly. “If an army this size doesn’t coordinate its movements, it’s in big trouble. If they’re really using signal towers and runners to pass messages, we might be able to jinx the works for them.”
“All of which means what?” I interrupted finally.
“Hmm? Oh, that’s a capsule summary of what we’re up against,” Aahz replied innocently.
“I know. I know,” I sighed. “But for days you’ve been saying you’ll formulate a plan after you’ve seen what we’re up against. Well, you’ve seen it. What’s the plan? How can we beat ‘em?”
“There’s no way, kid,” Aahz admitted heavily. “If I had seen one, I would have told you, but I haven’t, and that’s why I keep looking.”
“Maybe there isn’t one,” I suggested cautiously.
Aahz sighed.
“I’m starting to think you’re right. If so, that means we’ll have to do something I really don’t want to do.”
“You mean give up?” I said genuinely startled, “After that big speech you gave me about responsibility and ...”
“Whoa,” Aahz interrupted. “I didn’t say anything about giving up. What we’re going to do is ...”
The unmistakable sound came to us from behind, rolling up the hill from the brush filled gully where we’d left my pet.
“Kid,” Aahz moaned, “will you keep that stupid dragon quiet? All we need now is to have him pull the army down our necks.”
“Right, Aahz!” I agreed, worming away backwards as fast as I could.
As soon as I was clear of the crest of the hill, I rose to a low crouch and scuttle down the slope in that position. Crawling is neither a fast nor a comfortable means of travel.
As per our now-normal procedure, we had tethered Gleep to a tree ... a large tree, after he had successfully uprooted several small ones. Needless to say, he wasn’t wild about the idea, but it was necessary considering the delicate nature of our current work.
I could see him now, eagerly straining