A SEAL's Kiss

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Book: A SEAL's Kiss by Tawny Weber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Weber
apart in the classic indicator usually saved for detailing guy parts. “A term I hear applies to more than just the situation. I hear rumors about your fiancé that are pretty impressive, if you know what I mean.”
    Even Sage had to giggle at that.
    Aiden was going to so gloat when he heard.
    Not that Cailley thought he was huge.
    But that her friends were trying to make a big deal of the party. Of the entire engagement, actually.
    Still, as fun as it was going to be to tell him that the general opinion was that he was hung, and as hard as it’d be to admit that he was right about this party getting out of hand, those things weren’t what was bothering Sage.
    For the first time, she wished her friends weren’t around. Wished they didn’t care about the excitement and fun that was her life. Or, in this case, her make-believe life.
    “I want more details,” Nina insisted. “Where is your ring? What does it look like?”
    “The ring?” Uh oh. She hadn’t even thought about a ring. “We’re still looking for just the right one.”
    “That’s important,” Nina allowed. Then she leaned forward. “So how did he propose? When did the two of you start spending time together? Last I heard, you were miserable in Arizona and he was off, you know, somewhere doing whatever.”
    She waved her hand over her head to indicate that vague wherever that Aiden did his navy thing at.
    “It’s really not that exciting,” Sage murmured, focusing all of her attention on sucking iced tea through her straw instead of meeting her friends’ eyes. Who knew Aiden’s no-telling rule would be so painful.
    Her gaze flicked toward the house. She couldn’t see her father from here, but his study window was open, the curtains fluttering in the breeze. He liked working to fresh air. The immediate weight of miserable worry wrapped over her, making any discomfort over the fake engagement instantly bearable.
    “C’mon, Sage,” Nina said as she nibbled on a handful of M&M’s from the table between them. “We’ve been sharing the details of our love lives since we were too young to have them.”
    “Nina’s right. And you always have the best details,” Cailley said with a laugh. “Besides, this is Aiden. Which means it’s like, doubly juicy details.”
    Sage laughed. She leaned forward, ready to share just how juicy Aiden kissed. Now there was a detail worth reliving.
    Then she stopped.
    As soon as she shared the kiss story, they’d want more. And there was no way they’d believe that Sage and Aiden hadn’t done more. As Cailley said, the guy was known for being hung, and Sage was known for being curious.
    She shot a narrow-eyed look toward the house again. It wasn’t as if Aiden would hear if she told them. And they were her best friends. They’d keep the secret.
    Sage tossed back a handful of M&M’s. They were the only unhealthy treat she allowed herself—besides Tilly’s donuts—and she was trying to find comfort in their crunchy-coated chocolaty goodness.
    But...Sage didn’t break promises, and she’d agreed to keep it just between her and Aiden. Besides, this was her father’s health and happiness at stake.
    “There’s something you’re not telling us,” Nina accused, her eyes narrowed. She leaned forward, pulling the candy dish away from Sage. “You just ate those M&M’s without sorting the colors. What’s going on?”
    Wide-eyed, Sage looked at her friend, then at the candy in her fist. Hell. Nina was right. Sage never mixed colors when she ate her M&M’s.
    “Nothing’s going on,” she lied. She tried a flutter of her lashes and a deep sigh. “I was just thinking about Aiden and got distracted.”
    “Right,” Cailley said slowly, her expression just as suspicious as Nina’s. “You know, if you don’t tell us what’s going on, we won’t tell you about the engagement party plans.”
    The look she and Nina shared was two shades past naughty, hinting at wicked.
    “My father is putting the party on,”

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