The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 3
and he did it for her.”
    Ava’s mind raced. Anything that would change
the normal routine at the castle would be the most advantageous
time for them to plan something.
    “Okay. I’ll try mentioning it to him.”
    They stepped into the elevator.
    “I don’t know what we’re going to do about
your friend Michelle. She is out of control.”
    Ava’s heart sank. “We’ll find a way to take
her with us. Somehow.”
    Franco nodded as the elevator opened on The
Overlord’s floor. Jolie was waiting for her. Ava shot Franco one
last look and then followed Jolie down the hallway.
    “Does The Overlord not trust me to walk down
this hallway alone?” Ava asked curiously.
    “I can’t answer that. You would need to ask
    Ava nodded and entered the doors to The
Overlord’s chambers. He was standing with his back to her and he
turned and smiled when he saw her. His gray skin was as dull as
ever and his wings twitched with his arousal.
    “All white,” he breathed, “perfect.”
    “I thought you would like it,” Ava said
coyly, doing a little turn on the spot.
    “Ah, you tempt me, cucciola mia. And I know
we must eat first.”
    Ava walked slowly towards The Overlord and
tried to fight the bile that rose in her throat. Without the
aphrodisiac in her system, it was hard to be around him.
    “I have a question, Master.”
    “Yes, my sweet?”
    “Do you not trust me to get off the elevator
and walk the few yards to your chambers?”
    The Overlord studied her carefully. “It is
not a matter of trust,” he finally said.
    “Then what is it? I’m fairly certain I can
manage walking a few steps by myself. You make me feel like a
child,” she pouted. She thought she might be pushing things too
far, but she knew time was of the essence and she wanted as much
freedom as she could possibly get.
    The Overlord sighed and stroked her soft
blonde hair. He inhaled and groaned sexually. “Oh, Ava.”
    Ava waited, and absentmindedly rubbed at the
bare skin of her collarbone. The Overlord’s eyes immediately went
to where she was stroking.
    “Fine. Tomorrow we will try to have you
walking on your own. I want you to be happy, my pet. I promised to
treat you like a princess if you hold up your end of the bargain
and you have been pleasing me magnificently.”
    Ava smiled with happiness.
    At that moment, a butler arrived with two
trays of food. Relieved, Ava sat down knowing that the meal would
make the rest of the afternoon bearable. She took a few bites of
the delicate white fish and waited until she felt the calming and
arousing effect of the food. Sure enough, she felt it minutes
    “You can call me Flerian while we are eating,
Ava, but I want to be Master in bed with you today.”
    Ava nodded thoughtfully. She thought this
might be a good moment to work her way around to the ball.
    “Thank you, Flerian for my sewing machine. I
made a very lovely skirt this morning.”
    The Overlord beamed, his yellow teeth on full
    “You know, just before coming to Italy I had
been working on a magnificent ball gown.”
    “Yes. It was lovely. Off-white with delicate
beading and very low-cut. It was a so beautiful. I’m sad that I
wasn’t able to complete it or wear it.”
    The Overlord chewed his fish. “I’m sure Jolie
can find you some material. You could make a similar one. I want
you to be happy.”
    Ava sighed and nodded. “I suppose I could. I
don’t think it really matters though since I have nowhere to where
    “But you could wear it here. With me. I
promise that I would undress you very slowly before I defiled
    Ava was nearly finished her meal, and her
heart pounded with her desire. The Overlord’s talk of fucking made
her shift in her seat, anxious to pleasure him.
    “Yes, but it wouldn’t be the same,” she
argued. “I was planning on wearing it to a type of ball at
    “A ball?”
    “Yes, one of those charity things. It was
going to be a very elegant evening.”

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