Shake, Rattle And Haunt

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Book: Shake, Rattle And Haunt by Terri Grimes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Grimes
Tags: Romance
heaviness in the air being gone.
    “That, as you put it, was your house guest making himself known.”
    My limbs shook like a bowl of jello. “This is freaking me out. I’m sorry, but I need a break, Sam.”
    In the gray, I saw him nod. “I understand. We caught some great stuff for a preliminary walk-through. Let’s wrap this up, get the lights back on and call it a night. We’ll save the rest of the upstairs for the real investigation tomorrow night.”
    “You got it, boss.”
    I ran across the room to the light switch, flicking it on with relief.


    When we made our way back to the well-lit kitchen, I wasn’t surprised to see Timmy playing a round of computer solitaire on the very laptop he was supposed to be recording Sam’s data on. I nodded towards the laptop and said with my voice dripping with sarcasm, “I hope we aren’t keeping you from anything.”
    Oblivious to my tone, Timmy yawned, pushed his chair back from the table and extended his legs and arms for a full body stretch. “Nah, it’s all good. My adoring public can wait a little longer.”
    “Are you coming back tomorrow night to help?” I asked.
    Sam spoke before Timmy had a chance to answer. “I was thinking we could meet for dinner tomorrow. Maybe regroup and set up a game plan.”
    “Sounds good to me.” I looked at Timmy.
    “Count me in as long as it’s Perfetto’s.”
    “Perfetto’s it is then,” I agreed.
    Timmy looked at his watch. “I should head out of here, if you’re done with me, that is. I’ve got a hot date.”
    We both turned toward Sam.
    “Sure, we’re done for the night. And Timmy thanks for covering for Amanda. I appreciate it.”
    “Hey man, no problem. It was my pleasure.”
    I glanced down at the half-played game of solitaire still on the laptop’s wide screen. Great. I was upstairs laying my life on the line in the dark with a ghost and there he sat playing on the computer. Yeah, I’m sure it was his pleasure. I fought the urge to call him out on it.
    “Who do you have the hot date with, Timmy?” I asked.
    He shrugged into his jacket. “I’m not sure, I haven’t met him yet. But, the night is young and the bars are full, so we shall see.” Then, with a wide grin and a wave of the hand, he was gone just as quickly as he’d arrived.
    I turned to Sam. “Is there anything more powerful than a gay man’s confidence?”
    “It would seem not.”
    I crossed the kitchen to pull two glasses out of the cupboard. “Iced tea okay or would you prefer something stronger?”
    “If it’s the same sweet tea you served me earlier, count me in.”
    That’s what I liked, a man who knew how to give a compliment.
    “One super duper Gertie-licious sweet tea coming up.” I opened the freezer door, pulling out the white rectangular container overflowing with ice.
    Sam leaned his toned torso against the kitchen counter, watching me as I dropped ice cubes into the glasses.
    “Or maybe you’d rather have a cup of coffee? It’s no trouble to make it,” I offered.
    “No thanks, iced tea will be more than fine.”
    “Okay, if you’re certain.”
    “Well,” he said. “I have a pretty good idea of what we’re up against here.”
    “Yeah? What do you think it is?” I opened the fridge door, bending low to reach the pitcher of iced tea on the bottom shelf.
    “Sounds like a classic case of an intelligent haunting with a dose of poltergeist activity,” he said confidently, taking the pitcher of tea from me and pouring it into both glasses.
    “English, please. I don’t understand Greek.”
    He gave me what seemed to be a condescending glance before he picked up his iced tea and took a drink. He stopped for a moment before he spoke, clinking the ice in his glass. “Although this isn’t absolute, there are generally two types of spirits you may encounter. Human or non-human.”
    I raised my eyebrows as I leaned against the kitchen counter. “Human or non-human? I’m afraid to ask the difference, other

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