way to draw the intimate discussion to an end.
Julian nodded, setting down his cup. “Good idea. I’m having my mail forwarded here, too. But I have an alternative
suggestion as far as the groceries are concerned.“
“What’s that?“
“Let’s choose them together. We can have dinner at my place tonight.“
Emelina knew a command when she heard one, and somehow she couldn’t seem to summon the strength of
purpose to ignore it. “All right.“
“Is your coffee a sample of your culinary talents?“ he teased as they rose from the table.
“If you’re worried about being stuck with all the cooking, you needn’t be,“ she retorted hotly. “I make a really
terrific chicken curry!“
“Sold. Let’s go find us a chicken.“
As they started out of the restaurant, Emelina felt the curious stares drilling into Julian once more, and this time an
unreasoning defensiveness took hold of her emotions. Damn it, whatever Julian was, it didn’t concern these people!
What right did they have to talk about him behind his back and eye him so rudely?
Pinning the nearest offender with a narrowed, challenging gaze, Emelina took a step closer to Julian and slid her
arm under his. The small gesture couldn’t possibly have been lost on the villagers. Emelina was definitely signaling
where her alliance lay. Her chin lifted defiantly.
Julian glanced at her arm in surprise before crushing it against his side with a suddenness that suggested he was
afraid she’d change her mind. Thus entwined, they made their exit from the cafe.
They walked in thoughtful silence up the street to the grocery store. Emelina didn’t know how to ask for her arm
back, and Julian appeared to have no intention of releasing it voluntarily.
Emelina could have cheerfully kicked herself. Why had she followed the impulse to take a stupid stand like this in
front of the people in the cafe? Julian Colter didn’t need anyone’s assistance. He was the last one to be concerned
about what the others thought!
“I’ll have the butcher bone some chicken breasts,“ Julian offered as they entered the store at the end of the block.
“Okay, I’ll see if they carry anything as exotic as chutney here,“ Emelina said quickly, grateful for the release of her
arm. “Meet you at the checkout counter.“ She hurried down a far aisle, seeking a momentary escape more than she
sought chutney.
It was something of an accident that she stumbled into a small row of bottles full of the spicy condiment at the end
of the aisle. Perhaps it was some sort of strange omen, she decided, picking up a bottle and heading for the spice rack
nearby to search for curry powder.
What she discovered at the spice rack, however, was the middle-aged woman who, along with her husband, owned
the grocery store.
“Oh, good morning, Emelina. I saw you come into the store a few minutes ago.“
Emelina eyed the almost militant look in the older woman’s eyes and cringed inwardly. Now what? “Good morning,
Mrs. Johnston. How are you today? I’m looking for curry powder.“
“Got some right here.“ Mildred Johnston reached for the small can and handed it to her. “Came in with that Julian
Colter, didn’t you?“
“Uh, yes, as a matter of fact, I did,“ Emelina mumbled, trying to back away. Mildred Johnston was an
acknowledged source of prime information among the local gossips. Emelina had realized that much two days after she
’d arrived in town and begun doing her grocery shopping at Johnston’s Market.
“Heard you had coffee with him the other morning, too, dear,“ Mildred went on determinedly.
“You want to be careful about who you strike up a friendship with, Emelina. You don’t know anything about
Colter, do you?“
Mildred leaned closer. “They say he’s in the Syndicate.“
“Really?“ Emelina asked weakly.
“If I were you, dear, I wouldn’t get too friendly with him,“ Mildred Johnston murmured knowingly.