Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories
certainly hadn’t dressed sexier today as they arrived. Plenty of men would go to bed with Jacqueline's candid pictures from arriving at the airport on their smart phones, calling out her name. That thought gave her some solace.
    Each model was presented with a schedule when they arrived that morning, and each had photo shoots and media junkets to work through—though all three were separated, at least to begin with. At the end of the day, there was supposed to be one big shoot in the “big office,” but Jacqueline didn’t know what that meant yet.
    Someone opened the door from behind her. Not wanting to show her wrath, and yet still not quite able to control it handily, Jacqueline sneered out a question.
    “How much longer do I have to wait? Don’t they know who I am?”
    “Not long at all, dear. Don't you worry.”
    The voice was magical, beautiful. Soft, sultry, hot, and dripping with sublime confidence. It was everything Jacqueline had wanted to hear in a voice and just didn’t know until that perfect moment.
    Jacqueline turned to see a beauty walking in, wearing a briefly-skirted business suit with smoky stockings, wiping a bit of something off her mouth. Jacqueline would have sworn it was semen, but that was ridiculous. This was a place of business, after all, even if there was such a permeating sense of sex all about it.
    Behind the beauty, as the door closed, Jacqueline saw a rather satisfied-looking, handsome man in a suit—who she thought she recognized as the owner of the Shining Spiral, introduced to her earlier—but then he was gone, and the door was shut, and she was left only with the beauty.
    “Hello, Ms. Russell,” said the lovely woman. “I’m your interviewer this morning.”
    “I’m sorry?”
    “Your interviewer. For the article the casino is doing on you? We have a very popular newsletter. The Spiral Spin. Everyone says it’s just mesmerizing.”
    She sat down in one of the chairs in the middle of the room, and motioned for Jacqueline to do the same. Jacqueline did, but not before enjoying the sight of the beauty’s long legs crossing. Mmph. She had strong bisexual urges—almost any woman in the modeling industry learned to develop them over time—but never anything quite so strong as this.
    “I’m sorry, what was your name?” Jacqueline asked.
    “Oh, where are my manners?” The beauty held out a hand, which Jacqueline happily leaned over to take—and also absorbed the hot sight of crushed cleavage at the same time. “I’m Selene. It was Selene Franco, but I’ve changed it back to Selene Craft after my husband died.”
    “Oh. Craft is your maiden name?”
    Wasn’t Craft the name of the owner of the Shining Spiral? Yes...Mr. Craft. Wallace Craft. Jacqueline could remember it clearly.
    Selene smiled and shook her head. “No, it’s the name of my favorite person. I just couldn’t bear to have any name but his.”
    “Oh. That’s...unorthodox.” Not sure why she was asking, Jacqueline ventured out another query. “I hope it’s not too inappropriate to ask, did your husband die?”
    “Heart attack.” Selene’s smile was not that of a bereaved woman—but rather one happily indulgent in her work. “From over-exertion.”
    That was an odd answer, and in fact it was odd that Jacqueline had been inspired to ask about it at all, but she couldn't quite focus on that anymore. Rather, Jacqueline couldn’t stop staring at Selene’s tits. They were just so...soooo perfect. Hypnotizing, in a way.
    What was definitely hypnotizing, though, was the pendant in Selene’s cleavage. It looked so fertile. So womanly.
    Staring into the crystal, Jacqueline realized that something strange was happening. Something strange and sort of enlightening, too. She felt like a message was being beamed straight into her brain, information from some divine source of beauty and light, and the message was clear as day—Jacqueline was not good enough to be in front of Selene.
    She had never

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