Gift of Gold

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Book: Gift of Gold by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Contemporary Romance
a halt on the path in front of him. Jonas eyed her warily.

    "I know what your problem is, Jonas Quarrel. Your feathers are ruffled tonight because you got an unwanted glimpse back into your own past, didn't you? Caitlin Evanger reminded you of the time you were making a success out of your own life. She reminded you of the days when you were on the verge of making it big in the academic world. You had your act together back then and you were going to be someone. People were already paying attention to you. And then you got lazy and blew it."

    Jonas felt a tremor of real anger go through him. Up until now he had been merely irritated. But now he knew cold fury. Caitlin Evanger had reminded him of his past, all right, but the memories were laced with violence and blood, not the synthetic perils of academic success. He kept his voice even, but he could hear the edge in it and knew Verity must have heard it also.

    "You don't know what you're talking about, Verity," he said. "I suggest you keep your mouth shut. My past is my business."

    "I'll bet there's more to it than just being reminded of it," she went on recklessly. "I'll bet you're jealous." "Jealous! Of Caitlin Evanger? Give me one good reason."

    "She prevailed against all odds. She made it. She had ability and she honed and refined that ability, even though she was crippled for life. She worked hard to get where she is. She's not a success just because she had talent or because she got lucky. She worked for that success. Look at the difference between the two of you. You should take a lesson from her, Jonas. She's enjoying the fruits of her labors and going on to bigger and better things, while you're washing dishes."

    "That's enough, Verity."

    "You're just like my father. Both of you are too damn easygoing and too self-indulgent to work at achieving what you're capable of achieving. You don't even want to settle down, do you? You'd rather fritter away your whole life jumping from one place on the globe to another instead of staying put long enough to build something worthwhile of your life. You're irresponsible, that's what you are. A little boy who doesn't want to be bothered with growing up and assuming control of his life and his abilities. Here today, gone tomorrow."

    "I said that's enough, Verity." He was knotted with tension as he received the lash of her tongue, but she seemed oblivious to the precarious state of his temper.

    "Oh, shut up and go to bed. I don't want to hear anything more out of you tonight. The least you could have done was to show some respect toward someone who's made something of herself and her talent. Laura was right. I have been on the verge of going crazy, but I've seen the light in time. I'll start paying more attention to her stressed-out lawyers and stockbrokers and doctors." She whipped around and started up the path toward her cabin.

    "Dammit, just who the hell do you think you are?" Jonas had her before she'd gone a yard, his hand closing forcefully around her shoulder. He yanked her back around to face him. He knew his words were dangerously soft but he doubted if she realized the significance of that. She had never seen him lose his temper.

    "Let me go, Jonas."

    He ignored the imperious command. "So you think I've got a few problems, lady? Well, let me tell you something, I'm not the only one. Take a good look at yourself. You're turning into a shrewish little spinster because you won't look twice at any male who doesn't live up to your high standards of sober, respectable, responsible manhood. No wonder you haven't got a lover, let alone a husband. What man in his right mind would want to get slashed to ribbons by that sharp tongue of yours? What man who wasn't a complete wimp would want to listen to you tell him how to run his life? Who gave you the right to sit in judgment on the male of the species? You know next to nothing about me and yet you've got

    the nerve to stand there and lecture me on what I've done with my

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