Witch Fire

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Book: Witch Fire by Laura Powell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Powell
Principal Lazovic nodded and smiled. ‘It is true your background is somewhat . . . unconventional. This is not something that worries me, but some of your classmates might be a little less open-minded.’ His eyebrows waggled mischievously. ‘So it might be an idea to keep the details of your family, ahem, business to yourself.’
    ‘I know when to keep my gob shut, all right? I won’t cause no trouble as long as no one comes troubling me.’
    ‘In that case, I trust your time here will be a very peaceful one.’ There was a knock at the door. ‘Aha! Our other new arrival. Come in, come in.’
    As Lucas entered the room, it was hard for Glory to conceal a rush of relief. Remembering the first time they met, Glory folded her arms protectively across her chest, chewing her gum loudly. Lucas winced, exactly like he had before.
    ‘Gloriana, meet Lucas,’ Principal Lazovic said.
    ‘Hello,’ Lucas said with frigid politeness.
    Principal Lazovic invited him to take a seat. ‘I’ve been having a little chat with Glory, telling her something of what Wildings is about. Naturally, this is a difficult time for you both. We at Wildings will do everything in our power to help, but it’s important for you to appreciate the constraints we work under. Everything here is done within the law. All of us – staff and students – have a duty to uphold it. Any hint of deviancy and you’ll be out. There are no second chances.’
    The principal’s tone was grave. Yet all the while, there was a glimmer of a twinkle in his eyes.
    ‘Your privacy and protection are of the utmost importance. That means, I’m afraid, a certain amount of isolation. Matron will inform your families of your safe arrival, but I must ask you to hand over your mobile phones and any other sources of communication you have brought with you. In the meantime, you can write and email, subject to supervision. Your families can also arrange to visit. Although most of your time will be spent on campus, you can apply for permission to visit the local village. One of our guardians will accompany you there.
    ‘While we take our academic programme very seriously, your personal well-being is our priority. For this reason, we have a trained counsellor on our staff. Your meetings with her will soon become a normal part of your school routine. When the time comes for you to leave the academy, you will be well prepared for the challenges ahead.’
    There was a short pause. Then Principal Lazovic clapped his hands together with a comical sigh of relief. ‘I think that’s quite enough lecturing for one evening! You’ve had a tiring journey, and it’s getting late. Perhaps you would like to have supper in your rooms? Yes? The tour and assessments can wait until tomorrow – nothing to worry about, I promise.’ He twinkled merrily at them. ‘Especially after a good night’s sleep. Everyone sleeps well at Wildings. It’s the fresh mountain air, you see.’ He got up and shook their hands again. ‘Really, we are so very pleased to have you!’
    Lucas and Glory were collected by two of Wildings’s black-clad guardians. Before being shown to their rooms their clothes were searched. They had already handed over their passports, wallets and phones. ‘It’s for your own security,’ Glory’s guardian – a taller, thinner version of Elga – told her blandly. Glory didn’t risk looking at Lucas as he was led away. The girls’ and boys’ accommodation were in opposite wings of the castle.
    Glory was taken through a succession of long empty corridors and past ranks of closed doors, with iron bells set across every threshold. Thick stone walls kept the place cool and silent. It was easy to imagine being here in winter; banks of snow heaped against walls and windows, blocking out the world. Her footfall on the plush carpet hardly made a sound. Where was everyone? Bed already? It was only half past nine.
    ‘Yours is the only room in use on this corridor,’ the guardian

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