Beautifully Broken (The Broken Series Book 2)

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Book: Beautifully Broken (The Broken Series Book 2) by K.S. Ruff Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Ruff
reporter who broke the story on Garcia’s criminal
activities and his terrorist connections. He may have some information on
Garcia that will help us track him down.”
determined look settled over Mason’s face as he turned to walk out of the room.
“Good. I’ll help you. Call Cenia and get her over here. We may need her help
translating stuff. If we can track down the reporter, she’d be the best person
to speak to him.”
rose from the bed. “Mason, I want to keep this quiet as long as we can. I know
it’s bound to get leaked out at some point, especially with the media nosing
around for a story on the car bombs. Let’s just keep this between you, me,
Phil, Cenia, and Dan for now, okay?”
met Kadyn’s gaze. “Sure thing, buddy. I’m going to get my laptop. You want some
shook his head. “I’m not hungry. I’ll call Cenia. I’ll meet you in the living
room with my laptop in a few minutes.” Kadyn scrolled through the list of
contacts on his cell phone until he found Cenia’s name.
picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Kadyn. What’s up?”
walked to his dresser. He reached for the framed photograph of Cenia and Kri
kissing a dolphin in the Bahamas. “Did you drive in today?”
I had a meeting scheduled for five o’clock, so I decided to drive rather than
slug in. I’m just now pulling out of the Pentagon parking lot. Why?”
set the picture back on the dresser. “I could really use your help with
something. Can you come by the apartment before you head home? Mason just baked
a frozen pizza if you’re hungry.”
laughed. “I’m happy to swing by, but I think I’ll pass on the Tombstone pizza.
What do you need help with, Kadyn?”
sighed. “I’ll give you the details when you get here, but you should know this
could take a while.”
Cenia responded warily. “I’ll grab something to eat. Then I’ll head over.”
see you shortly,” Kadyn responded before ending the call.
rang the doorbell a few minutes later. She handed Kadyn a bag from Five Guys
when he answered the door. “You sounded stressed when we talked on the phone. I
thought this might help.”
eyed the greasy pile of fries and two thick burgers wrapped in tinfoil. He
suspected that one of them had been intended for Kri. “Thanks. Maybe later.”
set her food on the coffee table as she sat on the couch. “Hey, Mason, how’s it
was his only reply. He stared at his laptop and refused to look at her.
looked at Kadyn. “Where’s Kri? I thought she’d be here. She needs a good tongue
lashing for not returning my phone calls.”
sank into the large gray chair that sat perpendicular to the couch.
eyes flitted between Kadyn and Mason. “What? What did I say?”
exchanged looks with Kadyn. Finally, Kadyn spoke. “Kri’s been kidnapped again.”
laughed awkwardly as if Kadyn had just told some awful joke. When Kadyn and
Mason didn’t laugh, her expression grew fierce. “No. She can’t be.”
offered Cenia an apologetic look. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words
came out.
stood abruptly. She continued to look from Kadyn to Mason. “ You’re lying! ”
she screamed as her tears began to fall.
stood and reached for his friend. She shoved him in the chest as he tried to wrap
his arms around her. “Stop! Don’t touch me. Take it back, Kadyn. Take it
back! ”
tightened his arms around Cenia. He held her firmly against his chest while she
cried. He had been the one to introduce Kri and Cenia, shortly after he met
Kri. The two women had become fast friends. As with Mason and Phil, Cenia had
insisted on going to Trout Lake to help Kadyn rescue Kri. She had seen Kri’s
bruises, the cracked rib, and haunted eyes filled with fear. Cenia helped her work
through her nightmares and her fear of being alone in the months that

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