Arresting Holli
    “See? I knew there was something different.”
    He snagged the sourdough bread from the basket on the counter and started slicing it thinly. “It was good though, right? What you had of it, at least.”
    “Yes. I wish I hadn’t been so tired and could have enjoyed it.”
    “Well, maybe you’ll make it through this one.” He turned back to the fridge and grabbed the pesto, then combined it in a small bowl with some mayonnaise. “I should have asked, do you like pesto? If not, I can just put mayo on yours.”
    “I love pesto. I’ll have mine however you have yours.”
    “Adventurous girl. I like that.” And he started slathering all four slices of bread with the pesto/mayo concoction.
    “Can I help?”
    “Can you slice tomatoes?”
    She huffed. “Yes, I can slice tomatoes.”
    He opened a drawer and pulled out a knife, turning it over, handle first, in her direction. “Then you can help.”
    For a few minutes, they worked in silence. He prepped some arugula lettuce, and she sliced some Roma tomatoes. When they each had a pile of vegetables, it was time to move on to the cheese and bacon.
    “What kind of bacon is that?” she asked, pointing to the meat he’d placed on a silicone cutting board.
    “Pancetta. Italian bacon.”
    “Do you make anything the normal way?”
    “When you don’t eat out but you like to eat good food, variety is key.”
    “Where do you learn about all this? Are you a closet chef?”
    “No.” He began cutting the pancetta into quarter-inch rounds. “I watch Food Network.”
    “You watch Food Network?”
    “I do. Along with the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and NCIS .”
    “Huh. Well, color me surprised.”
    “Why? I’m sure a lot of men enjoy watching cooking shows if they like to cook. Besides, you’ve not complained about the food I make, just that it’s not what you normally eat.”
    “True. I don’t know anything about you really, but cooking shows just didn’t cross my mind as something you’d like or watch.”
    “It’s relaxing. I’m always learning something. And I eat really well.”
    “I guess I can understand that. What kind of cheese are you putting on the sandwiches?”
    “I took out both mozzarella and goat cheese.”
    “Goat cheese?” She made a face. “I’ll take mozzarella. My simple, southern-fried palette can only take so much fanciness.”
    He laughed and got out another knife so he could slice the ball of cheese. “What did you think you were going to be eating in New York?”
    “Chinese,” she answered swiftly.
    “That’s it?”
    “No, but that’s what everyone is always talking about. I really hadn’t thought much about food, honestly. I was just excited about going to see everything, all the sights, the big and famous department stores, the landmarks.”
    His smile dropped, and he paused to look at her. “I’m sorry, Holli .”
    “I know, and it’s fine. I’m enjoying this, here with you. I can see New York next year. You, on the other hand, are once in a lifetime.”
    He wanted to tell her he didn’t have to be just once or just right now. He didn’t though. He didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressured into feeling or saying something she didn’t want.
    She turned back to the tomatoes and placed the slices on his end of the cutting board, then put her knife in the sink. “Besides, I think you’re right. I wouldn’t have been ready for the fancy schmancy cuisine of New York.”
    He started to assemble the sandwiches. “I didn’t say that.” Cheese first, then bacon, followed by the tomato. The lettuce would be last.
    “No, but it was implied.” She grinned. “And I heartily agree. I need to work up to that.”
    “Why did you choose to drive? It’s what? Fourteen or fifteen hours? You could have flown.” He set the sandwiches on the griddle to warm the bread and melt the cheese slightly. When he was satisfied with the crusty edges, he slid a spatula beneath them and pulled

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