Defiant Angel

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Book: Defiant Angel by Stephanie Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Stevens
hands, getting her attention. "Only men and their paramours go to such things, not ladies."
    A frown marred Tiffany's brow, which was quickly replaced by a smile. "Of course I won't be recognized, Alysse, for no one will see me. If they see anything at all, it will be a young lad." Waving her hand, she added, "Anyway, I intend to ride to the stables, not the track area."
    Alysse screwed up her face at Tiffany's words, thinking Tiffany's disguise made her look nothing like a lad, quite the contrary. "And exactly what will you do there?"
    "Why, see Xanadu, of course, what else?" Tiffany asked innocently.
    Knowing Tiffany as well as she did, Alysse was not convinced. "Are you certain? That's all?"
    Tiffany could not miss the suspicion in her voice. "Well, I can hardly ride him now, can I?" she asked in a sweet voice. The look on Alysse's face caused Tiffany to regret her deceit and she rushed on reassuringly. "Really, Alysse, you worry for naught. I certainly don't intend to steal him!" Tiffany turned, for she was certain Alysse would read the lie in her face when she said, "I just want to see him and give him these." She turned and extended her hand, which was filled with chocolate bonbons.
    An incredulous look crossed Alysse's face and she shook her head, her curls bouncing prettily. "How foolish of me!
    Of course, why not risk discovery, reputation, one's whole life, to deliver bonbons to a beast that no longer belongs to you?" Alysse threw up her arms. "How stupid of me not to have realized."
    "There is no way I can make you understand, Alysse. Suffice it to say, I intend to go, and go I shall."
    The firm and determined tone Tiffany used convinced Alysse nothing she said would deter Tiffany. Instead she asked simply, "Please be back before Aunt Winnie returns with Mother. Promise me at least that."
    Tiffany smiled and dashed over to Alysse, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. She ran to the door, opening it, looking down the hallway in both directions, and before exiting, turned back, whispering, "I promise."
    Shalimar sailed over the last hedgerow, clearing the obstacle. In the process Tiffany lost the second boot, having lost the first a mile back. She shook her capped head thinking she should have put socks on. She dismissed the boots with a final thought--she owed Dalton a new pair.
    She arrived an hour earlier and had the foresight not to gallop in at the track but came around to the paddocks. She patted Shalimar and whispered softly, "So far, so good, girl." Although impatient, she walked the mare the remaining distance to cool her. She heard the yelling and cheering of the crowd, thinking that a good sign; the races were still in progress and she would encounter none save the stable hands.
    Dismounting, she tethered Shalimar to a nearby tree, patting the mare. She walked from the wooded area toward the open paddocks, stepping on a sharp stone. "Ouch." She grabbed her bare foot and turned the sole to check the damage. Satisfied there was none, she proceeded, thinking civilized life had made her feet tender as a baby's skin. The sound of voices close by caused her to duck behind a nearby water barrel, where she crouched down and peered out.
    "Easy there. Easy, boy . . . damn you! Son of Satan, yer are."
    Tiffany could not yet see who the voices belonged to but heard another curse.
    "Goddamnit, Jim, grab the bastard's bridle before he kills me."
    "I've got it, Toby."
    She saw the grooms struggling with Xanadu, who was rearing and then bucking to break from their hold.
    As they moved closer to the paddock, Toby asked, "Do ye 'ave 'im, Jim?"
    " 'At I do; now, open the gate before he breaks me arm like he done to the jockey." Toby opened the gate quickly, and Jim maliciously hit Xanadu on the rump, causing the stallion to leap forward. They quickly closed the gate and moved back as a bared-toothed Xanadu ran toward them threateningly. Jim picked up a stone, throwing it at Xanadu, and both grooms left the area.

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