Dangerous for You
flutters in my stomach grow at this point. Gabriel obviously loved his mother to bits and while he loved me as well, if Marie and I didn’t get along—where would that leave him?
    Ah, now I emotionally understand a bit more of why meeting someone’s parents is such a big deal. Everything can fall apart once family gets involved.
    Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be a bridge he’d have to cross anytime soon. Marie, with her smooth unlined face and pale shoulder-length hair, was as lovely towards me as she was beautiful. She had an easy way about her, seemingly putting me at ease without my being aware of it.
    Perhaps this is where my golden boy also got his charm?
    I looked over at Gabriel and my heart nearly clenched with a sweet pang. He seemed so happy and younger than usual. Relaxed. Gabriel caught my gaze and winked.
    I’d watched enough T.V. to expect a polite interrogation starting with “So, Emma, tell me a bit about yourself.” So I was more than pleasantly surprised to find Marie didn’t ask me the typical questions of background, employment, and hobbies.
    Instead, we all chatted about inconsequential subjects that slowly put me at ease. She shared her love of books with me, suggesting all sorts of titles for me to add to my library.
    I cut a sly glance over at Gabriel, sure he was mentally taking notes. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I received a basket of books from him tonight. In fact, I’d be delighted if I did.
    Am I already getting spoiled? I’m afraid that I am.
    My secret smile disputed that fear. I took little steps towards being okay with Gabriel’s over-the-top affections, but steps nonetheless.
    “Emma, do you like the ballet?”
    I froze for a moment, instinctively gearing myself to be on the defense. My fingers curled in my lap before I smoothed them across my skirt. I had to trust Gabriel would not have brought me here to be insulted. I knew he didn’t and I knew his mother wasn’t like that.
    Not if she was anything like her son.
    It was challenging to overcome my habitual defensiveness, but I answered honestly, “I’ve never been except for once in 5 th grade.”
    Gabriel’s mother didn’t bat an eye. Instead she asked warmly, “Do you remember what you saw?”
    “The Nutcracker.”
    Marie nodded. “I go to see that every year. Say, would you be interested in going to the ballet with Gabriel and me this Wednesday?”
    Before I could answer, Gabriel drolly explained, “Emma, not that I’m trying to sway you, but let me stress that my mother has never invited anyone on our yearly ballet date. Ever.”
    “Really, really.”
    “In that case, I’d love to go.” Gabriel and Marie smiled identically and blinded me with their combined beauty. I could already barely resist Gabriel. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to resist Marie as well. I felt like putty in their hands, waiting to be shaped.
    “Wonderful! I absolutely look forward to seeing you then.”
    I ducked my head slightly, feeling a touch awkward but extremely happy with how nice she was being to me. It was a novel feeling coming from someone of her monetary and social standing. I wondered if Gabriel’s mother knew everything about my past with her son or how Gabriel and Embry ended.
    I hoped she did and didn’t all at once.
    Lunch was delicious and I was actually wistful once we had to take our leave. Marie reached out and touched me on the shoulder. “Gabriel’s told me how hard you work, Emma. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have lunch with me.”
    “It was my pleasure. Thank you for inviting me.”
    “You’re welcome.” She tilted her head and shared, “Gabriel also told me how much you enjoyed Lanita Taylor’s designs for the benefit you two went to. Perhaps he can take you back for another one of her creations and you can show me what you chose at the ballet?”
    There seemed to be only one way to answer that. “Of course.”
    “Good. Gabriel, why don’t you put

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