The Lake House Secret, A Romantic Suspense Novel (A Jenessa Jones Mystery)

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Book: The Lake House Secret, A Romantic Suspense Novel (A Jenessa Jones Mystery) by Debra Burroughs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Burroughs
Tags: The Jenessa Jones Mystery Series
printing staff didn’t work through the night in Hidden Valley like they did in Sacramento.
    Jenessa needed to choose a photo and be done with it for the night. Most of the pictures had an investigator’s hand or shoulder, or some other body part, intruding into the shot, so she chose the cleanest, most eye-catching photo and sent it to her editor, along with her story.
    She dialed Charles McAllister’s number and he answered on the first ring.
    “Charles, this is Jenessa. My story is on its way to you.”
    “Great. I’ll be able to get it into the morning paper. I saved a spot on the front page.”
    “I sent a photo along. I hope you can use it.”
    “Even better.”
    “I’m certain there’s more to this story, though. I just need more time to uncover it. I’ll stay on it.”
    “I knew having a big-city reporter working for us would be good for this town.”
    “Sacramento is not exactly the big city.”
    “Compared to Hidden Valley it is. Not much happens here, so when something like this pops up, our readers will be riveted. When’s the next installment?”
    “I can’t say, but I’ll keep you in the loop. This is a homicide investigation and the police are pretty tight-lipped about the details, but I’ll keep digging and follow it wherever it leads.” Jenessa was vibrating with excitement—it felt good to be back in the saddle again.
    “Sounds fantastic, Jenessa. But don’t forget—”
    “Forget what?”
    “I still need you to do the weddings and social events.”
    Jenessa went into her father’s office to tackle the last drawer of his file cabinet.
    After an hour of searching, she shut the cabinet. Nothing.
    The desk’s lap drawer drew her attention once more. She searched her father’s key ring, but only the keys to the car and the house were on it.
    Should she break into it? Then she remembered her aunt’s pointed admonishment not to damage the valuable antique.
    Could she pick the lock? How hard could it be?
    She tried a metal nail file, an ice pick, a bobby pin, other keys—but nothing worked. It looked so easy in the movies. She wondered if her friend Michael, as a policeman, might know of any small-time criminals she could hire to pick it.
    She could call a locksmith, but what if there was something sensitive in the drawer? With the way gossip flew around that town with lightning speed, she couldn’t risk it.
    Tomorrow she would call Michael, she decided, but for right now it was time to go to Aunt Renee’s for dinner with the family. She liked the sound of that— dinner with the family.
    She grabbed her purse and hopped into the Roadster. As she drove to her aunt’s home, she wondered if anyone would have any objections to her driving this car regularly, as opposed to her old Toyota. It would certainly be a huge improvement, and she wouldn’t have to worry every time she tried to start it up if it actually would.
    When she arrived at Aunt Renee’s home, Ramey was already there, having left an employee to close up the shop. Jenessa noticed her out on the patio, manning the grill, with the sparkling blue pool in the distance.
    After greeting Sara and her aunt, she stepped out through the french doors to say hello to her friend. “What’s cooking?” Jenessa pulled the door shut behind her.
    “Hey, Jen.” Ramey threw an arm around her shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze. “Salmon.”
    “Looks good.”
    “I heard you snagged that job today at the newspaper,” Ramey said, lifting a Salmon steak with the metal spatula, checking for doneness. “Congratulations. I’m so happy you’re sticking around.”
    “For a while, anyway.” Jenessa wondered if she should mention her first assignment, but thought she’d hold off for a bit.
    “A long while, I hope.” Ramey flashed her a big smile.
    “We’ll see.” Jenessa walked farther out on the patio and looked at the tempting pool. “Want to swim later?”
    “Me, in a suit?”
    “You’re among friends,

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