Cover Model

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Book: Cover Model by Devon Hartford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devon Hartford
right,” I giggle, leaning against his shoulder for a second.
    When we met two years ago, Austin had a girlfriend, otherwise we might’ve ended up dating. As far as I know, they’re still together. Ever since I found out, I’ve kept our conversations purely platonic.
    “Do you want to sit?” I offer.
    “No, thanks. As soon as this thing starts, I’ll be moving around to get good photos.”
    “Got it.”
    The stage in front of us is currently empty. Women in red STAFF shirts have stuck their heads out now and again, but the only thing to look at is the huge projection screen hanging from the back of the stage. A slideshow of book cover images has been playing on it since I sat down. I don’t recognize any of the covers except Stepbrother Obsessed , which Romeo showed me this morning. But I do recognize Connor’s body in all of them.
    As nice as the photos are, they don’t do justice to what it feels like to be standing inches away from the real thing.
    Or to be kissing the real thing.
    Heat flushes through my body as I remember our kiss.
    I have never been kissed like that.
    It was like Connor was fucking me with his tongue. Even now, the sense memory makes me shiver.
    “You okay?” Austin mutters.
    “Yeah, I’m fine.” I knot my hands in my lap and shift on the cushioned chair. I’m suddenly very aware of my feminine folds. I wish I’d had time to go to the restroom before the show because I realize I’m still quite wet.
    I submerge into memories of Connor’s hard body and his hard cock pressing up against me through my skirt. My desire to feel him inside me sweeps through my entire body in a hot wave. What I wouldn’t do right now to rewind back to that moment. Too bad Romeo showed up when he did. Who knows what might have happened if he hadn’t.
    “ Who’s ready to meet Connor!! ” The voice blares from the PA speakers hanging above the stage.
    The crowd of fans erupts in high pitched squeals of approval. I resist the urge to plug my ears. I never realized a room full of grown women could be so incredibly loud. If it was a bunch of twelve year olds at a Katy Perry concert, I would understand. But these women range in age from sixteen to sixty.
    The announcer on stage stands to the side of the stage with a mic in hand. I have no idea who she is, but she’s wearing slacks and a blazer over a red Rom Com Con polo shirt. She says, “ You all know him from the countless covers he’s done in the past five years. ” She looks up at the projection screen to watch more Connor Covers flash by. “ What do you think ladies? Is Connor hot or what?! ”
    The crowd cheers approval.
    “ I bet you’re all dying to see Connor in the flesh!! ”
    More cheers.
    “ Do you ladies think the rumors are true? Is THE Connor heinous? Or is he handsome? ”
    An immediate roar of disagreement from the crowd.
    “He’s gorgeous!!”
    Some of these women are getting red in the face from shouting so loud. I can’t believe how invested they are in what amounts to no more than a fantasy. It boggles my mind.
    “ I won’t keep you ladies waiting any longer. You’ve waited five years for this moment! Without further ado, here he is! The REAL Connor Hughes!! ”
    Thumping dance music pumps through the PA speakers. The stage lights flicker and flash all over the place. Smoke billows out from both sides of the stage. The projection screen fades to a blue glow, revealing a fifteen foot tall muscled silhouette behind it.
    The crowd shouts with bold desire.
    The screen raises and a spotlight trains on Connor, who is a mere six-foot-whatever, but the screen lights up with larger-than-life video of him. He saunters through smoke to the middle of the stage. He’s wearing the baseball cap, aviator glasses, T-shirt, jeans, and boots. He starts to writhe in time to the dance beat pumping from the PA.
    The women go wild.
    Austin crouches and duck-walks up to the foot of the low stage and starts shooting

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