Taken by Storm
kissed you”—i put my hand under her chin, tip her face to meet my mouth—“would it be okay?”

chapter 16
    I’m supposed to save him ,
soothe his hurts, cheer his heart, enlighten his soul,
but with salt-soft lips, skilled but gentle,
suspecting mine don’t do this often or ever,
in the front seat of his gram’s rusty blue Chrysler,
he wants to save me.
    I panic at the glory of his mouth
caressing mine, pry open the car,
and Cinderella up the porch steps,
away from his arms cradling my body,
his hands harbored in my hair,
his lips lingering at my speed.
    He races me to the door, presses me to it,
    I can’t . . .
You’re not . . .
We shouldn’t . . .
    He obliterates my protests with hot resuscitation.
my cheek melds to his shoulder,
and we savor not alone
until he steals my hand to his lips,
kisses the places he hurt.
I’m lost to his firm chest,
his slender fingertips, his long wavy hair,
his mouth sucking my bottom lip—
the world spins, the stars shift,
and I can’t see anything except his smoky
gray eyes gazing into mine.
    You scare me, whispers
from my mouth across his.
    Good, he breathes into me.
I need you to save me.
    I will save him.
I can’t let it be.
Please, lord,
    LEESIE HUNT / CHATSPOT LOG / 10/08 1:17 A.M.

chapter 17
    LEESIE HUNT / CHATSPOT LOG / 10/08 12:06 P.M.


    i’m the infidel. Forbidden. She needed an out.
    She took it way too fast. Freak. The afternoon hours stretch ahead of me and all i have to fill them with is the plate of burnt French toast Gram just gave me. Or i can fill it with Leesie.
    i stuff my mouth full, wave at Gram, grab my jacket, and head up the hill to the school.
    When i walk through the double glass doors, Leesie’s sitting on the stage scribbling in her notebook. Her nose looks red. Are her eyes wet? Did i do that?
    The other kids leave a space around her like she has a disease. Except Troy. He stands in front of her, puts his hands on her knees. She bats them away. He says something. She turns pink.
    DeeDee and her clones sitting on the radiator sneak into the corner of my eye. i think DeeDee yells something at me. i ignore her, cross the room, and boost myself onto the stage beside Leesie. i put my arm around her waist and dredge up a nasty look for Troy. “Leave her alone.”
    “Who died and made you king?”
    Dumb but still cruel. The guy’s gifted. i slide off the stage, bringing Leesie with me, landing face-to-face, and say, “Out of the way. We don’t want to foul ourselves in your filth.”
    Troy doesn’t budge. “You’re wasting your time, Scuba Boy.”
    i let go of Leesie and grab the front of Troy’s shirt. “Shut up.” i push the jerk out of the way. Massively strong. Hero strong.
    i steer Leesie for the front door. “Let’s get out of here.” i want to cut class, make out with her all afternoon.
    “The bell’s going to ring.”
    My hand slips down to her hip—i hope Troy is still watching. “You want to go to class?”
    Leesie nudges my hand back to her waist and makes me walk toward her locker. She’s blinking a lot. “Good thing you showed.” She sniffs. “I was getting ready to knee him hard.”
    She elbows me. “We had self-defense in PE. That’s my best move.” She stops and gets a drink at the fountain.
    i bend over her. “When are you going to report that jerk?”
    She stands up. Her face is in control again. “Don’t go there. I’d end up getting suspended.”
    i wipe a drip from the side of her mouth. “i’d like to rip him apart.”
    “Then you’d get suspended, too.” She’s walking. “Don’t worry. It’s all going to be over soon.”
    “You still planning to hang him off the

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