The Coffin Club
Dullsville. It wasn‘t my place to disclose their locations. I‘d caused Alexander enough problems in the past—I had led Jagger from Hipsterville right to Alexander. It would be difficult, but I‘d have to keep my black lips sewn shut.
    Alexander and I proudly entered the Coffin Club, hand in hand, like we were stars entering a party. We were so used to being outsiders, it felt good to finally enter a place filled with people who looked just like us.
    I felt euphoric standing underneath the lifeless mannequins with my very own vampire boyfriend. The crowd and music were even more pumped up than they were the previous night.
    This time the clubsters weren‘t so focused on themselves. In fact, the girls were ogling my date!
    At first I thought it was fun, as if I‘d arrived on the arm of a rock star. After a few minutes of every cleavage-showing, miniskirt-wearing girl checking him out, I was getting jealous. Didn‘t they know I was standing right next to him? A few guys looked me over, but every girl we passed stared at Alexander like he was Criss Angel performing magic.
    Finally I drew him over to the bar. ―Don‘t you notice that?‖
    ―Notice what?‖ he asked naively.
    ―The girls?‖
    ―What girls?‖
    ―Hello! You were worried about bringing me to a bar when all along I should have been concerned about bringing you.‖
    ―I don‘t know what you are talking about,‖ he said seriously.
    ―The girls are drooling all over you!‖
    Alexander blushed, then laughed gently.
    ―Well, there is only one girl I want to be with and she‘s right here,‖ he said.
    The bartender, a robust woman who appeared to have been bartending since they invented beer, asked us for our drink order.
    Alexander and I cooled off with nonalcoholic Guillotines.
    Alexander looked heavenly against the backdrop of neon tombstones, his soulful eyes gently gazing into mine. He appeared as happy as I‘d ever seen him, as if he didn‘t want to be anywhere else in the world but together at this club. His arm lay protectively around me, our fingers entwined. Yet I felt a pang of loneliness for Alexander. He spent so much time up in his attic room, alone, whether in Dullsville or Hipsterville, his only full-time companion being his creepy yet caring butler. I was excited to be part of Alexander‘s night life tonight.
    Of course, I couldn‘t help but wonder what was going on down in the Dungeon. Were new members being brought in? Where were they from? Were Phoenix and Jagger getting in each other‘s faces? I was dying to share the underground club with Alexander, but a culture full of bloodthirsty vampires is exactly what Alexander had left behind in Romania. He was much happier in an environment where mortals dressed like vampires rather than one where vampires dressed like mortals. And even if I‘d wanted to, I wasn‘t sure I‘d be able to find the secret coffin-shaped door.
    ―You seem distracted,‖ Alexander remarked.
    ―I was just thinking of you, actually.‖
    ―Well, you don‘t have to think about me. I‘m right here.‖ He leaned over and gave me a lip-lock that sent shivers down to my boots.

    He placed our drinks on the bar, grabbed my hand, and led me to the dance floor.
    For the next hour, we danced, thrashed, and jammed, all the while forgetting the difference between mortal and immortal.
    As the DJ spun the end of one song into the start of another, I took a moment to catch my breath. Stretching out my neck, I spotted a figure up on the balcony, seated on a coffin-shaped couch, the candelabra before him illuminating his ghost white hair, the ends bloodred.
    I grabbed Alexander by the arm and dragged him to another end of the dance floor, hidden from the balcony‘s view. I didn‘t want Jagger to spill the beans to Alexander that I‘d been spotted at the Dungeon. I wanted to tell Alexander on my own.
    ―What did you do that for?‖
    ―I just thought it would be fun if we got cozy.‖
    ―But it‘s so crowded back

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