stepped carefully to the ground and lifted the hammer. Alicia handed him another nail and he placed it just so, then drove it home. His smile flashed and she returned it, nodding her approval.
    Jake was watching her. She felt his gaze like a ray of sunshine, his eyes offering approval, his smile almost a duplicate of Jason’s.
    Jake McPherson was smiling at her, and he’d offered his approval. Indeed, for the second time today his mouth was curved in an unmistakable grin. Glory be!

    T HE DECISION WAS NOT difficult to make. She’d already put an acceptance speech together by the time she walked back to her boarding house. Delivering her response might pose a problem, for Alicia feared she would become emotional. Perhaps writing a note would suffice.
    No. Jake had made the offer face-to-face. She would do no less in return. The pros outweighed the cons, she’d already decided. Staying single meant being alone for the rest of her life. The likelihood of another man posing the question was unlikely. And Jake had twice spoken of her nicely, complimenting her appearance. Hair the color of chestnuts . Indeed.
    Her age was a deterrent, for one thing. Then, too, her career as a teacher gave her no guarantee of an income for her old age. She would likely end up in poverty, for no matter how hard she scrimped and saved, her account at the bank showed a remarkably small balance.
    The bottom line was that living in that big house would give new meaning to her life. Spending time with Jason would be a joy—although she was too wise not to acknowledge that he would offer her more challenges than you could shake a stick at.
    Jake was truly the deciding factor. The man was alone, in every way. It was possible to live without the fellowship of another human being, but it was certainly not a pleasant way to spend your days. If she could find a way to reach him…She shook her head at the thought. Although, the idea of getting to know him better held appeal.
    He had described himself well. Hard to get along with. Moody and temperamental. Demanding, and as he’d said, he would expect much from her. There would be no marriage relationship, of that she was certain, for Jake had long since placed a wall between himself and others. She stood no chance of surmounting the obstacles he’d set so firmly in place.
    But for the first time in her life, she’d met her match. Another human being who could dish it out in abundance and not cringe when it was tossed back at him. He argued with her, said his piece with fervor and unless she missed her guess, he enjoyed their verbal sparring. Life would not be easy, but she’d find joy in that house with Jake and his son. And perhaps a friendship with the man that would fill her lonely hours.
    She slowed her pace as she approached the porch to her boarding house and climbed the steps. The house was quiet, all but for little Catherine, who waved at her from her spot on the parlor couch, a book in her lap. What a contrast the girl was to Jason, who was as needy as a child could be. She looked forward to sorting him out and making a difference in his life.
    Alicia sat on her bed after going to her room. She looked around at the small space, wondering what her future home would be like. She hoped for a bedroom with long windows reaching to the floor, with white curtains that might blow in the breeze at night. Perhaps a wardrobe to hold her clothing, not that she owned any great amount. But Jake had promised to provide her with all she needed.
    I’ll see to it you never want for anything . He’d made that promise right off. And if she were any judge of character, she’d put money on his ability to keep his word. Jake McPherson was a man of honor. That he should have given up on life, isolated himself in that big house and withdrawn from society for more than two years was a tragedy.
    Alicia paced the floor, unable to sit still, aware that she would not be able to rest well until she’d given

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