Heir To The Pack (The Cursed Pack Book 1)

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Book: Heir To The Pack (The Cursed Pack Book 1) by Laura Welling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Welling
Gaelan took the
other. They picked the wolf up and carried him out, through the kitchen, and
back into Dash’s study, where they threw him on the floor. Elaine stared down
at him. Gaelan stepped over to shut the door.
    “Who did you tell about
our guests?” Dash demanded, standing over the cowering wolf.
    Bill opened his mouth, but
no sound came out.
    “Answer me!” Summoning
every inch of his force as an Alpha, Dash stared the man down, compelling him
to speak.
    “I...I...I...only Gaelan. I
swear it! Please don’t hurt me.”
    Bill wouldn’t be able to
lie to his Alpha’s face, Dash knew. But how had the men in the parking lot
known? Someone else must have talked. “You listen to me,” Dash said. “You don’t
tell anyone any part of our private pack business without my permission first,
you understand me? No one. Not Gaelan, not your own mother. You got it?”
    Bill nodded, scooting
backwards across the floor away from Dash until he ended up with his back
against the desk.
    “Get out of my sight.”
    The wolf struggled to his
feet and shot out of the doorway, nearly knocking over Annie, who had just
opened the door. She flattened her back against the door to let him through.
    “Dash,” she said. “I need
to speak with you.”
    He nodded, the red filter
that clouded his vision fading, and rubbed both his hands over his head. “Gods,”
he said. “Okay.”
    Elaine and Gaelan silently
left the room. Annie fixed Dash with a stare, and he knew he was in trouble.
    “Do you want to sit down?”
    “I’m fine, thanks.” She walked
over to the corner by the window where she took up a position as if she were
about to teach a class—legs slightly apart, arms in a neutral position,
head up. On the other hand, she also looked like she was about to start a
fistfight. That couldn’t be good.
    Dash sank into one of the
armchairs, stretched his arms and legs out in front of him, and cracked his
neck once in each direction. There. Ready for her worst onslaught. Bring it on.
    *           *           *
    Annie breathed in from her
diaphragm, as she’d learned in singing lessons, and prepared to speak. She
couldn’t let the events of the last hour pass without saying something. King or
no king, he couldn’t start fights in front of Jack. She wasn’t too happy about
Gaelan running around naked, either. And, king or no king, Dash couldn’t kiss
her whenever he felt like it.
    It didn’t matter how much
she liked it.
    “I have some requests.” Much
less assertive than she’d planned, but it was not her intention to start a
    “What can I do for you?” His
relaxed body position belied the intensity of his stare. She guessed he played
by the same rules.
    “I would strongly prefer if
you would instruct members of your entourage to remain clothed.”
    Dash let his breath out. “I’ll
do my best. We don’t all run around naked all the time, but we are casual about
it. We’re naked when we change back, you understand that?”
    “I gathered.” A flash of
naked Dash standing next to her car filled her mind. She blinked away the
    “I’ll have a word with the
pack members, let them know to be more...subtle than usual. Other packs are
harder. I can’t tell them what to do, not until I’m officially Lycaon.”
    “That makes sense,” she
admitted. Unfortunately. It seemed likely that she’d spend at least some of the
next few days surrounded by gorgeous naked men. Her treacherous soul wished
that particular experience had occurred before she’d become a mom.
    “That might change by the
end of the week. But I’ll need to choose my battles.”
    “Understood.” This was
going better than she’d hoped. He seemed willing to work with her. “The second
thing is about the discussion you had with Bill.” This would be harder, because
she knew it wasn’t going to go over well. “I don’t want Jack to be exposed to
that level of violence.”
    Dash set his jaw and his
eyes glinted in

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