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Book: Insider by Micalea Smeltzer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Micalea Smeltzer
Tags: Teen Paranormal
Ready , get set , go!
    I was gone. My legs stretched faster, and farther, and I soon left Caeden behind. The speed was exhilarating. I was sure that real wolves couldn’t possibly run this fast.
    I jumped over a log and my claws dug in; bark chipping off. Birds, squirrels, and other woodland creatures scattered when they caught my predator scent in the air. I swung to my right and if my sense of smell was reliable I was two hundred yards from Bentley and Bryce.
    I bound into the clearing and skidded to a stop.
    A few second s later , Caeden came through the brush. He shook some brambles from his fur, panting, and plopped on the ground. G eez, I didn’t know you were that fast.
    I came up to him and licked the side of his face. Never under estimate me Williams.
    Wouldn’t dream of it Beaumont.
    Who wants to go first? I looked between Bentley’s black wolf and Bryce’s reddish brown one.
    Me, me, me! Bryce chanted and turned in a circle.
    Bentley barked a laugh. Bryce can go first. He’ll be able to demonstrate an unskilled attack.
    Hey! Bryce said and bit Bentley’s shoulder.
    Just speaking the truth pup.
    Okay, okay. Caeden intervened. Enough arguing. We’re wasting time.
    He started it. Whined Bryce.
    Enough! Barked Caeden. Get ready Sophie. He turned to me. Bryce over there, Sophie stay here . He said so that we were on opposite ends.
    Ready… Set…
    Bryce started running towards me.
    Dammit Bryce, I didn’t say go! Caeden scolded but I was beyond listening.
    I prepared myself for the impact but it never came. I looked to see that Caeden had Bryce pinned to the ground by the neck.
    What the hell Caeden? I’m supposed to attack him , not you! I scolded my mate.
    Sorry. I’m sorry. Caeden let go of his brother. I can’t do this. I can’t watch it and just do nothing ! My instincts to defend you kick in.
    I need to learn this Caeden. Maybe it would be better if you leave.
    Leave! I can’t leave you! What if you get hurt!
    Bryce and Bentley aren’t going to hurt me. I argued. You didn’t have a problem when I was fighting Chris and she broke my wrist.
    That’s different.
    No it’s not. I said. Besides, we heal. My wrist was better in no time at all.
    Caeden, I need to be able to defend myself. You’re not going to be around all the time to protect me.
    Caeden said nothing for a moment.
    Fine. But I won’t be far away and I will be listening. If you get hurt I’ll be here in no time at all. He looked warningly at Bryce and Bentley before taking off.
    Bryce looked at me and said, Ready? Before I could answer he attacked.
    Jerkface .
    He bit my shoulder and I nipped at his side. His teeth tore into my flesh and I gritted my teeth so that no sound of pain could escape. I didn’t want Caeden coming back after being gone for only three seconds.
    Get angry, Sophie. Use your anger as power. Bryce coached me.
    I pushed forward and pulled my skin from his mouth. Blood matted my fur and dripped from his mouth.
    Speed, Caeden had said, use my speed.
    Even though we were no more than a few feet apart I rushed him. He wasn’t expecting that. I had him on his back and went for the sensitive skin of his belly. Distantly I could hear Bentley’s cackling bark and his human laughter floating through my head.
    Time! Bryce cried. Tap out! Stop!
    I pulled away and he shakily rose to his feet. That was… incredible. You were like a freaking avenging angel… or wolf… whatever. If I had been a true attacker you would’ve killed me.
    What? My voice rang through our heads as a gasp.
    I definitely don’t want to end up on your bad side. You’re a fucking beast. Bentley cackled. Wow.
    Travis won’t know what hit him when it comes to you. Bryce shook his shaggy wolf head. If we keep practicing with you, you’ll be unstoppable. Un- freakin -stoppable

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