New Leaves, No Strings
to ring him at six,
not to text.’
    ‘Christ he’s demanding that one.
Bet he’ll want to order you about in the sack too.’
    ‘Fine with me, I need all the help
I can get.’
    ‘Let’s go home and choose your
outfit first and then you can call him to confirm and tantalise him with what you’re
planning on wearing. He won’t care you’re late calling.’
    ‘Won’t that ruin the surprise?’
    ‘You don’t have to tell him
everything, but as he already knows you look hot in anything, why not tease him
a bit by tickling his imagination. Use that sexy telephone voice of yours, then
he’ll be totally drooling for you. Come on.’
     ‘What would I do without you Lexi?’
    ‘Wither and die in a convent, a
virgin to the end.’ She offered out her hand and pulled me up off the floor.
    ‘Do you know how much I love you Lexi?’
    ‘Steady on you’re not pissed yet.’
    ‘I mean it Lex. You’re always there
for me.’
    ‘Well right back at ya mate. I love
you to. Now let’s get past this unexpected sober outpouring of emotions and
move it. We have work to do.’
    We spent a few hours shopping and back
home after trying on various outfits for Lexi to score out of ten, I knew I couldn’t
put it off any longer. It was 8 p.m. two hours after my deadline so I went to
my bedroom picked up my phone and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.
    ‘Have you done it?’ yelled Lexi.
    ‘Not yet, I’m trying to pluck up
the courage.’
    ‘Mia, it’s a done deal. It’s not
like you’re asking him out, you’re just confirming.’
    ‘I know. It’s just once I make this
call that’s it, no going back. I confirm and I’m losing my virginity tomorrow
night. It’s a big step and I just need a minute.’
    ‘Ok but if we get to five past
eight and you’ve not rung him I’m coming in to kick your ass.’
    I lay there for a few minutes and
practised deep breathing to calm myself then picked up my phone, selected his
name from my contacts and pressed the green call button. After four rings I
heard ‘ Its Gabe, you know what to do.’ Damn it, answering machine, it
threw me so I hung up. I needed to be prepared or I’d just babble as usual.
    ‘Ok time’s up and I’ve not heard
you utter a word. Ass kicking here I come,’ shouted Lexi as she flew into the
room and dived onto my bed. ‘Just bloody ring him.’
    ‘I did, it was his answer machine
and I panicked.’
    ‘Do we need to prepare a speech? If
so we’re in trouble as I don’t have Geoffrey Rush on speed dial.’
    ‘No,’ I laughed. ‘No speech, it
just threw me. I can hold my own face to face as we bounce off each other.’
    ‘Mia,’ growled Lexi. ‘I command you
to call me now and give me your answer.’
    ‘What the bloody hell was that?’ I
asked laughing again.
    ‘I was trying to put you at ease by
pretending to be him. Right come on, I’ll stay while you do it.’
    ‘Please don’t, you’ll just make me
laugh more. Go in the lounge and turn the TV up.’
    ‘Promise you’ll do it now?’
    ‘Dialling, go.’
    ‘Gone,’ she said as she disappeared
from sight.
    I got up and pushed the door shut
and went back to lie on my bed and rang the number again. ‘ It’s Gabe, you
know what to do’ repeated the answer machine, god he sounded so sexy.
    ‘Gabe. Hi it’s me, Mia. Sorry I’m
late calling, but just wanted to confirm that I’ll see you tomorrow night at
Fazeleys at about ten o’clock for no strings attached mind blowing sex.’ I hung
up, what more could I say?
    ‘Lexi, it’s done. Do you mind if I
run a bath and have an early night?’ I yelled.
    ‘Excellent. How you feeling?’
    ‘Ok I guess. Think nerves will hit
me tomorrow. See you in the morning.’
    ‘Sweet dreams.’
    ‘O don’t worry I will.’
    I grabbed a glass of wine and
stepped into a bubble bath that was at perfect temperature and lay back to
relax. I jumped when my phone rang and reached over to pick it up off the
floor, it was Gabe. I smiled as I lay back

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