Code Red Lipstick

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Book: Code Red Lipstick by Sarah Sky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Sky
said Anouk Girard. She looked like she’d be sympathetic to a teenager in trouble, whereas the man on her right would probably eat her for breakfast.
    â€œ Bonjour , Mademoiselle Girard,” she said, smiling.
    She explained rapidly in French that she was looking for her father, Jack Cole, who’d gone missing. She showed the woman her passport and noticed her flinch.
    â€œI’m so sorry, Mademoiselle Cole,” she said. “How can I help you?”
    â€œI need to see Dad’s room. He checked in on Saturday morning.”
    Mademoiselle Girard paused. The receptionist on her right picked up the phone. She shot a look at another man who was locked in conversation with an elderly guest nearby. His name badge stated he was the general manager. She reddened as she stared back at her computer screen.
    â€œPlease,” Jessica said. “I’m begging you. This means a lot to me.”
    Mademoiselle Girard nodded. “I understand.”
    She waited until the manager had shaken the guest’s hand and wandered away. “ Suivez-moi .”
    Mademoiselle Girard led her through the foyer, past the luxurious bar and lounges and up the stairs to the first floor. She stopped as they passed through a second set of doors.
    â€œThis is it,” she said. “Monsieur Cole’s room. It’s as he left it. The police ordered us not to move anything.”
    She swiped the door open and stepped back as Jessica walked inside. Room 158 was decorated with ornate, patterned scarlet wallpaper, which matched the spread on the king-sized bed.
    â€œI’ll give you some privacy,” Mademoiselle Girard said, “but I can’t be away from the desk for too long.” She closed the door behind her.
    Jessica felt a lump rise in her throat as she spotted her dad’s silver Omega watch on the desk. It’d been a gift from her mum on his birthday. It was one of his most treasured possessions. He always wore it. She didn’t dare pick it up in case the police dusted it for fingerprints. She didn’t want to be traced back to this room. She felt a stabbing pain in her chest as she remembered the engraving on the back.
    Love you for ever, Lily.
    She didn’t have much time before Mademoiselle Girard returned. She had to find something that MI6 hadn’t thought to look for. Her dad’s laptop and mobile were gone but his passport and wallet were on the desk, along with his pills. She slipped the bottle into her bag. He’d need his meds urgently when she found him. No one would miss them. She turned around, noticing a photo in a small silver frame on the bedside table. She’d given it to him as a birthday present and he always took it with him on business trips. It was taken a year ago while they were holidaying in Cornwall. She was grinning, her arms wrapped around his neck. Her dad was laughing too. They both looked so happy. She wished she could remember what they’d found so funny. Somehow, it felt important now.
    Mademoiselle Girard tapped on the door and stepped inside. She paused as she looked at the picture.
    â€œIt’s a lovely photo.”
    â€œThank you. I was just remembering when it was taken. Can I stay a few minutes longer? Please?”
    Mademoiselle Girard’s eyes flickered around the room. “I have to get back before I’m missed. Close the door behind you when you’re finished.”
    Jessica nodded. She waited for the door to shut and sat on the bed. It’d been fruitless. There was nothing here, except memories of her dad. Somehow, she felt closer to him, surrounded by all his things. Just days ago he’d touched the razor in the bathroom and polished the shoes in the wardrobe. He’d worn his watch.
    Where was he now?
    She jumped up. She was wasting time. The café was next on her hit list. She took one last look around the room and stepped into the corridor. A maid wheeling a trolley laden with towels and soaps

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