Crimes Against Liberty

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Authors: David Limbaugh
the aisle, should now understand how committed Obama is to his far-left agenda. They should finally grasp how far the Left is willing to go when they’re in power. Their talk of moving past divisive partisanship is a veneer designed to cover their radical designs. They are precisely the opposite of what they hold themselves out to be: freedom loving, compassionate, pro-economic growth, bullish on America, democratic, tolerant, and compromising.
    America is in a dangerously rapid nosedive under Obama’s navigation. The key to our delivery from this systematic assault is for the American people to understand Obama’s extremist agenda, to get engaged, and to do everything we can to peaceably remove him and his supporters from office at election time and replace them with constitution-revering, liberty-loving public servants who respect the rule of law.
    No matter how bleak conditions look now, we have reason for optimism, as the American people, like no other people in world history, love and appreciate the liberty bestowed upon us by our founding fathers and preserved by the blood of our patriotic ancestors.
    God bless America.

    I want to thank everyone at Regnery Publishing with whom I’ve had a wonderful working relationship. I especially want to thank Marji Ross for her continued support and confidence and for her wisdom in all aspects of the publishing business. I am also indebted to Harry Crocker for always being there from the beginning through the conclusion of every project. His encouragement, advice, and creative ideas are always first rate and invaluable. Also, I am very grateful to Jack Langer, the primary editor of the book, for his 20/15 vision, his insight, his extraordinary wordsmithing, and his temperament, which made this a thoroughly painless and enjoyable process.
    Many thanks as well to my buddy Greg Mueller and his team at Creative Response Concepts for quarterbacking the promotion and marketing of this book along with the excellent marketing staff at Regnery. Greg is the guy who initially prodded me into nonfiction authorship, for which I’m eternally grateful.
    I also wish to thank Heritage Foundation scholars Brian Riedl and David John, who not only educated me (and countless others) through their prodigious research and writings, but freely gave their time to discuss, explain, and clarify their work in phone conversations, receiving nothing but a heartfelt thank you in return. Many thanks also to Heritage folks Ralph Buglass, Jim Weidman, John Fleming, and others who made special efforts to make available high resolution charts for inclusion in this book.
    A sincere thank you to my very good friends and NRO heavyweights Kathryn Lopez (K-LO) and Andy McCarthy for their friendship, support, and counsel. Andy was particularly helpful in clarifying some of the complex factual and legal issues involved in the administration’s wrongheaded and muddled approach to prosecuting the war on terror.
    I am humbled and honored by my friendship with Sean Hannity and Mark Levin and abundantly appreciative of the support they always lend to my books and to me personally. The same is true for my good friend Ann Coulter, who gave me the best idea I’ve ever received in book writing, which made all the difference on my first book and the ones thereafter, including this one. If you are a beginning author and ever find yourself floundering in anxiety in anticipation of the seemingly overwhelming task at hand, and find that the more you research the more overwhelmed you become, follow her advice to me: just begin writing and you will necessarily acquire your focus.
    Once again I must thank my brother Rush for personally inspiring me, for opening up doors for me directly and indirectly, for leading the charge for American conservatives, and for truly making an immeasurable and positive impact on this nation and the preservation of its Constitution and freedom tradition.


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