Nobody Gets The Girl

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Book: Nobody Gets The Girl by James Maxey Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Maxey
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
decided to fail her test. He moved his lips to hers. They were
warm and slightly sticky, with a hint of cinnamon. He could feel
her trembling.
    "I've dreamed about someone like you," she
whispered as they parted. "Someone my father can't get inside of.
You can't know what it's like to look into your eyes and not worry
that my father might be looking back."
    "I'm flattered," said Richard. "I really am.
But, things have been so crazy for me. My life is in such a strange
spin. What do you really know about me? What do I know about you? I
don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now."
    "Who said anything about a relationship?"
asked Sarah. "Let's just go someplace and make out."
    Richard stared at her. He didn't know which
was easier to believe, that he'd never been born or that a woman as
sexy and powerful as Sarah was coming on to him. He grinned like a
man taking a second glance at his winning lottery ticket. He leaned
forward and kissed her once more. He drew the kiss out this time,
placing his hands in her silky hair.
    He pulled away and they sat in magical
silence, savoring the moment.
    Sarah grabbed his hand.
    "Come on," she said.
    She dragged him into the nearest shoe store,
which sold athletic shoes. The clerk stared slack-jawed as she
    "You," she said. "Go home early."
    "Hell yes!" said the clerk, jumping over the
    "What size do you wear?" Sarah asked
    She quickly found the section with that size
shoe and grabbed the first one that caught her eye.
    "Try these on."
    He took the shoes and sat down on the bench.
She sat down next to him. They were out of view of any passersby in
the mall. She kissed him again.
    The shoe fell from his hand.
    She broke off the kiss.
    "So do they fit?" she asked.
    "The shoes."
    "I haven't—"
    "Say 'yes."'
    "Yes," he said.
    "Good. Let's take them. We're done shopping.
There's a store on the upper floor that sells big, black,
overstuffed leather couches. I've always wanted to make out on a
big, black, overstuffed leather couch."
    Richard picked the shoes up and stuck them
under his arm.
    "Done shopping in thirty seconds and now you
want to make out," said Richard. "My God, Sarah, you're like my
dream woman."
    "Enough chitchat," she said, taking him by
the hand once more. Once again, they were flying, his feet several
inches from the ground. It felt perfectly natural to him,
completely sensible. This was turning out to be a really good

    The following week turned into one of the
best of Richard's life, old or new. He and Sarah had spent the rest
of the day hanging around the mall, stealing stuff and making out
in full view of an oblivious public. Any qualms he had had about
using Sarah's powers to swindle shopkeepers quickly vanished. It
wasn't like they would accept his credit cards anyway.
    "The world is good," Sarah had said, "and
made for our pleasure."
    Richard subscribed to her philosophy very
quickly. Why shouldn't he take every pleasure the world offered?
Especially when life with Sarah offered so many pleasures. The
island offered endless miles of pristine beaches for them to walk
upon and talk of life. In the landscaped gardens of her father's
estate, the grass was like soft bedding as they lay together. In
the middle of the night they would slip from her bedroom and raid
the enormous kitchen and eat delicacies. Even if all the luxury of
wealth had been stripped away, Sarah alone would have made his life
heaven. She was wonderful to talk to, so open and honest. Her
cynical wit matched and often exceeded his. He hung on her every
    On those rare moments when he and Sarah
weren't together, Richard would roam the vast mansion. One of the
odder things Richard noticed was how few people lived there. As
near as he could gather, outside of the Knowbokov family, only two
other people inhabited the island, Mindo and the chef, Paco.
    The person he most often ran into was

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