Escape From Zulaire

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Book: Escape From Zulaire by Veronica Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Scott
nodded. Deverane cursed. “Damn, we needed the comlink.”  
    “Rebels must have been in a hurry. Maybe they did a half-assed job and left something we can use,” Wilson said.
    Andi sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning on her pack, waiting in tired silence while Deverane considered options.   I don’t care what he decides. I just want to be on the move again, and I trust his judgment. Being in the open makes me nervous. Skin crawling, the spot between her shoulder blades itched, as if she was in the sights of a sniper’s weapon. I hate this waiting. Gives me too much time to think about what happened back at the Obati summer compound. She shivered, trying not to focus on the memories, unable to really process the brutal reality of the events that had happened. Part of her still wanted to somehow believe this was all just a horrific dream.
    Drawing his blaster, the captain checked the charge level. “All right, we go in. Weapons hot. We make it fast, in and out, take what we need and be on our way. No one wanders off on any unauthorized explorations.” He stared straight at Andi.
    The men all nodded. Lysanda remained oblivious, sitting on the fallen log she’d selected, playing aimlessly with her hair and crooning a soothing tune to herself. She was braiding and unbraiding the same thick plait in a repetitive motion. The fixed look on her face and the blank stare in her eyes was unnerving. Andi had the sudden urge to catch Lysanda’s hands and force the girl to be still and calm. Sitting big-eyed but quiet at his sister’s feet, Sadu reached out to bat at the long, swinging braid as if it were a toy.
    “Sir, maybe the women should stay here?” Latvik said. “It’s about the worst atrocity I’ve ever seen.”
    “We can’t afford to separate.” Deverane met Andi’s gaze across the small clearing. “I’m sorry, but you’re all going to have to come with us. It’s not safe to split up. I don’t want to spend time backtracking to collect you.”
    I don’t want to be left behind in the forest anyway . Drawing her blaster, Andi nodded. “I understand. Let’s get it over with.”
    “All right then. We need food, more water—”
    “The well is…polluted, sir.” Latvik swallowed hard, stared at Andi briefly and withheld the details.
    “Check the first few intact houses or the marketplace, see if anyone has water stored in jugs. At least we can fill our canteens.” The captain’s next remark was said directly to Andi. “Can you look for something else to wear? I can see those sandals I picked out in the dark are too small. We can’t have you going down with ruined feet. And your clothing isn’t practical. Pretty, but not practical.” The lopsided grin came and went, before she registered his attempt to tease her.
    She knew her answering smile was weak. “The last thing I feel right now is pretty, but thank you. I’d like to change into something else but I—I hate to help myself to some poor person’s possessions like a common thief.”
    Walking over to her, he extended his hand, palm up. She laid her hand in his, and he carefully tugged her to her feet. He was gazing down into her eyes, and Andi had to raise her head to look directly into his face. His eyes held a gentle, warm expression, and his words were soft, meant for her ears alone. “There’s really no choice, if we’re going to make it back to the capital and bear witness to their fates. They won’t mind. Trust me.” Without shifting his focus from her face, he reached down and scooped up her pack.
    Sighing, she took the strap of the bag from him, allowing him to adjust the weight on her shoulders. “I’ll look for some things for Sadu and Lysanda, too.”
    “Good.” Deverane gave the backpack one final tweak, patted her shoulder and stepped away. Raising his voice, he commanded everyone’s attention. “All right, let’s get this done. Rogers, Latvik, lead the way. Wilson, take rear guard. Abukawal, can you help with the

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