The Reclamation (The Club Trilogy Book 2)

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Book: The Reclamation (The Club Trilogy Book 2) by Lauren Rowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Rowe
Tags: trilogy
really long time—an excruciating amount of time—but he doesn’t finish his thought.
    He inhales sharply and his tone shifts direction. “My Magnificent Sarah,” he finally says, stroking the curve of my hip. “Are you awake?” he whispers.
    “Mmm hmm.” Barely.
    “That was a nice wake-up call.”
    I touch his hand on my hip. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.
    “I had a dream that made me a wee bit horny,” I mumble softly.
    “Apparently. What did you dream about?”
    “You. Making love to you. I had an orgasm in the dream, and then I woke up and I was actually having an orgasm.”
    His breathing halts in surprise. “Oh, wow.” He presses himself into me and runs his hands over my belly.
    I turn onto my opposite side and face him. “Before you, I thought there was something wrong with me. I thought I was born without some magic button everyone else has.”
    He inhales deeply, like he’s trying to calm himself. He brushes a hair away from my face. But he doesn’t speak.
    “And now look at me. I’m kicking ass and taking names—I’m a sexual superhero.”
    He puts on a low movie-announcer voice. “They call her... Orgasma .” He smiles and nuzzles his nose into mine. “Orgasma the All-Powerful.”
    I mimic his announcer voice. “Able to leap tall cocks in a single bound.”
    “No.” He’s stern. “Able to leap one and only one tall cock in a single bound. Only mine.”
    “Well, of course.” I roll my eyes. “That’s the biggest ‘duh’ of the century, Jonas.”
    He laughs. He nuzzles my nose again.
    “You big dummy,” I add.
    He shoots me a crooked half-smile. “I just wanted to be clear about that.”
    “Got it.”
    We lie in the dark, staring at each other for a moment. I can’t remember ever feeling this happy before.
    “Thank you,” I say simply. “Thank you for helping me discover my magic button. I don’t feel like I’m defective anymore. I feel powerful.”
    He kisses me gently. “You are powerful.”
    “I had no idea sex could feel so good. You really are good at this.”
    “No, I’m fucking awesome at this, I told you. But I can’t take all the credit. Your body is designed to do exactly what it did tonight—get off again and again and again. It’s not magic—women don’t need a refractory period after orgasm the way men do.”
    “Refractory period?”
    “A period of recovery. Women don’t need to recover after orgasm—they can climax again and again, almost instantly after the first time, as long as they get the right stimulation.”
    I’m blown away. “Are you sure? I always thought some small percentage of women were multi-orgasmic, like porn stars or whatever, and a small percentage of women on the other end of the spectrum can’t come at all, and then everyone else falls somewhere in the middle.”
    “Nah, that’s a myth. All women are designed to come over and over. Just because most women haven’t accomplished it—because they don’t know how to do it, don’t know it’s possible, their boyfriends suck at sex, they’ve never masturbated and figured out what gets them off, whatever—it doesn’t mean they’re not built to do it. All the parts are there, even if they don’t know how to use them.”
    His eyes are so animated when he talks about this stuff. I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat right now, and he’s just getting more and more excited as we talk.
    “Your first orgasm is like priming the pump,” he continues, fully awake. “The first one might take a while, as we’ve discovered, my little Mount Everest, but once you’re there, once you’ve reached the peak, your body is ready to do it again and again if you keep yourself open. And the great thing is, it’s much easier to get there the second and third times.”
    I shake my head. Why does he know more about my own sexuality than I do? Why has no one ever told me any of this stuff?
    “At the end of the day, female orgasm is always about your head—getting rid of your

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