2061: Odyssey Three

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Book: 2061: Odyssey Three by Arthur C. Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arthur C. Clarke
Dimitri and the ship’s physician Dr Mahindran, who professed to regard them with envious awe.
    After some initial annoyance - because it all too accurately recalled the emotions of his youth - Floyd had gone along with the joke. But he did not know how Yva felt about it, and had so far lacked the courage to ask her. Even now, in this compact little society where few secrets lasted more than six hours, she maintained much of her famous reserve - that aura of mystery which had fascinated audiences for three generations.
    As for Victor Willis, he had just discovered one of those devastating little details that can destroy the best-laid plans of mice and spacemen.
    Universe was equipped with the latest Mark XX suits, with non-fogging, non-reflective visors guaranteed to give an unparalleled view of space. And though the helmets came in several sizes, Victor Willis could not get into any of them without major surgery.
    It had taken him fifteen years to perfect his trademark (’a triumph of the topiary art,’ one critic had called it, perhaps admiringly).
    Now only his beard stood between Victor Willis and Halley’s Comet. Soon he would have to make a choice between the two.

2061: Odissey Three

2061: Odissey Three
    The Valley of Black Snow
    Captain Smith had raised surprisingly few objections to the idea of passenger EVAs. He agreed that to have come all this way, and not to set foot upon the comet, was absurd.
    ‘There’ll be no problems if you follow instructions,’ he said at the inevitable briefing. ‘Even if you’ve never worn spacesuits before - and I believe that only Commander Greenburg and Dr Floyd have done so - they’re quite comfortable, and fully automatic. There’s no need to bother about any controls or adjustments, after you’ve been checked out in the airlock.
    ‘One absolute rule: only two of you can go EVA at one time. You’ll have a personal escort, of course, linked to you by five metres of safety line - though that can be played out to twenty if necessary. In addition, you’ll both be tethered to the two guide-cables we’ve strung the whole length of the valley. The rule of the road is the same as on Earth; keep to the right! If you want to overtake anyone, you only have to unclip your buckle - but one of you must always remain attached to the line. That way, there’s no danger of drifting off into space. Any questions?’
    ‘How long can we stay out?’
    ‘As long as you like, Ms M’Bala. But I recommend that you return just as soon as you feel the slightest discomfort. Perhaps an hour would be best for the first outing - though it may seem like only ten minutes…’
    Captain Smith had been quite correct. As Heywood Floyd looked at his time-elapsed display, it seemed incredible that forty minutes had already passed. Yet it should not have been so surprising, for the ship was already a good kilometre away.
    As the senior passenger - by almost any reckoning - he had been given the privilege of making the first EVA. And he really had no choice of companion.
    ‘EVA with Yva!’ chortled Mihailovich. ‘How can you possibly resist! Even if,’ he added with a lewd grin, ‘those damn suits won’t let you try all the Extravehicular Activities you’d like,’
    Yva had agreed, without any hesitation, yet also without any enthusiasm. That, Floyd thought wryly, was typical. It would not be quite true to say that he was disillusioned - at his age, he had very few illusions left - but he was disappointed. And with himself rather than Yva; she was as beyond criticism or praise as the Mona Lisa - with whom she had often been compared.
    The comparison was, of course, ridiculous; La Gioconda was mysterious, but she was certainly not erotic. Yva’s power had lain in her unique combination of both - with innocence thrown in for good measure. Half a century later, traces of all three ingredients were still visible, at least to the eye of faith.
    What was lacking - as Floyd had been sadly forced to

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