Breaking Even
realize that dick is behind this.
    “We called a truce!” I screech, which only clues Wren in, and he joins in on the laughter.
    Rye stumbles backwards when I dive for him, and he narrowly dodges my foot that is aimed at his crotch. Bastard!
    “So much better,” he says through his snickering, even though that makes no sense to me.
    I chase him around the pool, fighting back my grin when he grabs Ash and uses her as a barrier between us.
    “Oh hell no!” she says, even though her smile is growing. “I so don’t want in the middle of you two.”
    I glare at him, trying to grab at him, but he keeps the brunette beauty between us, even as she tries uselessly to escape.
    “Tag,” she calls playfully, “help! I’m going to end up with food or alcohol all over me.”
    He just laughs while shaking his head, and Rye continues to chuckle as he keeps himself shielded.
    “Sorry to break up the fun,” Wren says with a sad smile, drawing my attention, “but I need to be going. There’s something I have to deal with right now.”
    Crap. I’m busy chasing Rye and acting like a kid. I’ve probably just ruined all my chances with Wren. Not that it matters. I wasn’t all that into him anyhow.
    “It was nice to meet you, Brin,” he says so cordially, making all of this seem suddenly... boring.
    We’re supposed to have another date tomorrow. An actual date where we go out to eat. Now... I feel like he’s changing his mind. I wish he’d just tell me now and get it over with.
    “You have my number,” I say while tucking my hands into the tops of my pockets, a nervous reaction.
    “I’ll call you. Have fun. Don’t let Rye drive you crazy.” He winks at Rye and then he hugs Ash before walking out.
    Rye walks out from behind Ash and heads over to me, dropping his long arm across my shoulders as though he didn’t just... Ah, hell. I’ve been standing here talking to everyone with a damn vampire’s mouth.
    I hate him.
    I glare at his hand as it comes to rest just off my body, hanging casually as he guides me over to a table.
    “Guess it’s just us now,” he says as we make our way to some seats.
    “What happened to your date? Too charming for her?” I muse, trying to sound annoyed instead of nosy.
    “No,” he says, laughing. “She didn’t deal too well with the bloody mouth bit.”
    I can’t help but laugh. I bet the beauty queen flipped the hell out if he did that to her. I just want massive payback. And I will have it. When he least suspects it.
    We sit at the far back and just watch all the happy couples, and the Sterling men who have brought equally designer women. Why the hell did I think shorts and a tank top would be okay? Oh yeah, because it’s a barbeque!
    “Why haven’t you gotten your car fixed yet?” he asks just as Tag comes over, carrying something odd and fruity to give to me.
    I’m thankful for the interruption.
    “It’ll get rid of your food coloring. Hopefully,” he snickers.
    I roll my eyes while mumbling a thanks, trying to keep my mouth as closed as possible.
    “And this is for you,” Ash says, coming up and handing Rye a glass of whiskey on the rocks.
    We’re going to be trashed at this rate. Liquor is the devil.
    He thanks her as they walk off, and then he returns his gaze to me as I drink my weird fruity drink with a straw. I’m trying to decide if I like it or not. I’ve never been a fan of frozen drinks. Brain freeze is a bitch.
    “Well,” he prompts, leaning up on his elbows to stare intensely at me.
    I shrug as though it’s no big deal. “Haven’t had time.”
    He mutters something about safety and me being an idiot. I choose to ignore him.
    “I’ll have it taken to my garage. It’ll get fixed quicker there.”
    I’ve heard of his garage—through the others. It’s supposed to be the place where all of the rich and famous around here go. There’s no way I can afford that if I can’t even afford the scrubby piece of shit garages.
    “It’s fine. I have

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