A Child of a Crackhead
Ice mind began to race with thoughts. If Shelly was over here, that meant that she’s about to watch Ace’s kids. Shelly only came over to Ace and Lisa’s place to make some money by babysitting while they went out. Black Ice took another hit of his crack laced cigarette.
    He watched Shelly get buzzed into the building. He started rubbing his eyes and rolled down the car window to let some of the smoke out. Ever since he started smoking this shit, he’s gotten so paranoid he thought to himself. He started to pull off after bugging, but saw Caesar step out of the building with Ace’s youngest son in his arms with Lisa following close behind. What the fuck is going on here? Black Ice wondered.
    Lisa, Caesar, and the little boy got into the car and pulled away. Black Ice decided to follow them making sure to stay two cars behind them. If Mark, Ace’s youngest son in the car, was with them that meant Shelly is only watching Aaron, the other son. He kept following them until they reached King Pizza Mall. He watched as Caesar got Mark out of the car and grabbed Lisa’s hand and started walking towards the mall. Black Ice parked his car and got out and followed them making sure not to be seen. He made sure to stay behind a few people who were shopping. He watched them enter the movie theater. They’d be there for a while he thought. Black Ice walked back out to the parking lot. He hopped in his car and pulled his glass pipe out and stuffed it full of crack and got high while waiting for them to come back outside.
    Three hours later, he saw them come back out to the parking lot. Caesar’s hands were full of shopping bags. They put everything into Caesar’s car and drove off.
    Black Ice carefully followed them making sure not to be seen. Caesar stopped in front of Ace and Lisa’s building again. Black Ice parked down the block and watched Lisa get out of the car with her son and went inside.
    A few minutes later, Lisa came back outside and got right back in the car and they left.
    Black Ice followed them to Pennsylvania Avenue to a hotel and parked. They got a hotel room. Black Ice knew that bitch was a slut. Once he was sure they were in their room, he hopped out of his car and walked over to Caesar’s car. He pulled out a four inch pocket knife he carried that he got from Rachel’s cousin, Brian that he killed and kept for himself. Black Ice stabbed both of the back tires of Caesar’s car. He had to buy time for his next move and that would definitely keep them busy after their done fucking he thought to himself. He got back into his car laughing his evil laugh as he made his way back to Ace and Lisa’s building.

Chapter 15
    Once he got back to Ace and Lisa’s apartment building, he parked the car down the block. He walked up to the building and rang the bell.
    “Who’s there?” Shelly asked through the intercom.
    “Shelly, it’s me Black Ice open up.”
    He answered.
    Shelly was quick to buzz him in thinking about the money she could make.
    Black Ice walked into the apartment since Shelly was waiting at the door with it wide open. “Hi daddy, what are you doing here?”
    she asked.
    “I came to see you.” He lied to answer her.
    “It’s been awhile since you fucked with me, ever since you started fucking with Roxy.” She said.
    “I didn’t come here to listen to your comments. You know why I came here.
    Now, are you down or what?” Black Ice said.
    “Yes, I’m down daddy.” Shelly said moving to the side to let him in.
    Black Ice couldn’t help to look at Shelly’s ass through her jeans as he passed her. She had a banging body, but she had a butt ass looking face. Everything looked good on her body, but her face. That was one of the reasons Black Ice quit fucking around with her.
    “How did you get that scar on your face, daddy?” she asked as Black Ice covered his cheek with his hands.
    “Don’t worry about that,” he replied.
    “Where’s Ace and the kids?” he
    “The kids are in

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