Blue Moon

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Book: Blue Moon by Mackenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie McKade
    Sam cleared her throat, praying that she could remember her speech. “As Dr. James C. Dobson once said, ‘Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without.’ And that’s just what my sister has done.” She swallowed welling tears and struggled for composure to continue. “Brad and Jenny,” she inhaled a deep breath, “separately you are two special and remarkable people, but together you are complete.” Sam started to sit and then paused. “Oh, one word of advice, Brad. Whenever you are wrong, admit it. Whenever you are right, be quiet. And always remember…a happy wife makes for a happy life! So here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after.” Raising her glass to her lips, she sipped.
    The crowd roared with laughter and Jennifer hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Sammy.”
    Settling back in her chair, she leaned close. “When does your plane leave?”
    “Tomorrow at noon.” Jennifer sparkled with excitement. “We’re staying at the Sheraton tonight.” Sighing, she glanced toward Brad. “Isn’t he wonderful?”
    “Yes, he is.”
    Jennifer stopped ogling her new husband long enough to bring her attention back to Sam. “Things okay between you and Kyle?”
    It was Sam’s turn to gaze down the table at the man she loved. “They will be.” As if he knew they were talking about him, he turned and smiled, releasing a thousand fluttering wings inside her stomach.
    “I’m thrilled for you. And Cathy?” Cautiously, Jennifer approached the subject. “I saw you talking to her.”
    “Honestly, I don’t know if I can ever forgive her.”
    “I understand.” Jennifer gave Sam a quick hug. “Thank you for coming home and sharing this day with me.”
    Sam was about to say it was her pleasure when the band began to play.
    Brad stood, extending his hand to his bride. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Collingsworth?”
    Satin and lace belled from the skirt of Jennifer’s wedding dress as he spun her around upon the wooden makeshift floor and they fell into each other’s arms. The look they shared was so private, heat warmed Sam’s cheeks and she focused on the rest of the scenery.
    Bewitched by the lights, music and the moment, she startled when a deep, seductive voice whispered, “Miss me?” Her heart did a somersault. Chills raced across her flesh when he brushed a fallen curl aside and caressed her neck with a kiss. “Wildflowers. You always smell so fresh and sweet.”
    And he always smelled sexy and male. A scent that made her hormones jump up and take notice. It didn’t help that when he stood upright and she turned to answer his question, his hips were eye-level and she feasted on an intriguing bulge that was developing. Sam thought of reaching for his zipper, slowly dragging it down so that it made a soft hiss. She shuddered at the idea of peeling his tux off one garment at a time until he was naked, standing before her. But that would have to wait.
    “Yes. I missed you.” But he would never know just how badly she had missed him.
    Kyle held out his hand to her. She placed hers in his, his warmth folding around it. He pulled her near. “I need to hold you. Dance with me.”
    Others were joining the bride and groom on the floor, so there was nothing to stop Sam from obliging his whim. In fact, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.
    When Kyle pressed his palm to the small of her back, she melted against him. Their bodies flush, he took a step and then they waltzed across the floor. Sam needed to pinch herself to prove this was real. Instead, he lowered his head and captured her mouth.
    With a feather touch he smoothed his mouth over hers, sucking first on her top lip and then the bottom, before parting them to slip inside. Languidly, he caressed her mouth from side to side, flicking his tongue against hers. Thrusting more firmly against her tongue, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.
    Sam was lost in a

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