Naughty St. Nick
her mother’s heartbreak, she had found peace in North Pole. And generations down the road would know about her grandfather, because he truly wasNorth Pole history. A tradition that would never be forgotten.
    “I know you’re right,” she said. “Thank you. Thanks for everything you’ve done. Thank you for...reminding me about the true spirit of Christmas, the true spirit of this town. The lights and the cookies and Santa’s village...those are all contributing factors. But it’s hearing the laughter that’s been gone for so long and seeing all these people milling about, who’d all but forgotten about us... They’re all in awe, Nick. They believe .”
    “Doesn’t matter if it’s once a year, once in a lifetime or year-round,” he said. “Believing in a little magic goes a long way.”
    “Yes, it does.”
    She hugged him, her eyelids fluttering closed as she absorbed his warmth, his strength. Nick had helped to bring back Christmas to North Pole. He’d made her believe again.
    He held her tight for a while. When Vixen finally opened her eyes, fat, fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky.
    “It’s snowing,” she whispered.
    “Even more perfect.” He eased her out of his arms and grinned again. “Makes for good ambience.”
    “It does.”
    “I’m not just talking about the square,” he said. “I had another errand this morning. Needed to pick something up. For you.”
    “More truffles?” she joked as she brushed away wayward tears.
    “Not exactly.” His fingertips grazed her temple as he stared deep into her eyes. “I love you, Vixen White. I always have. I always will.”
    Her breath caught.
    With a soft chuckle, he said, “I like that I take your breath away.”
    “Every time,” she managed to tell him.
    “So... I was sort of wondering how you feel about me.”
    She laughed. “You can’t possibly have any doubt that I love you. Especially not after last night.”
    “We were sort of just getting started.” He gave her coy look.
    Vixen’s cheeks flushed. “You’re just so...naughty, Nick.”
    “Only with you. Forever, only with you.”
    Then he knelt on one knee. Vixen’s heart skipped several beats.
    Nick pulled out a small box from the pocket of his leather jacket and flipped the lid. “Will you be my wife, Vix? To have and to hold, forever and ever...and all that?”
    Tears crested her eyes again. “You really like catching me off guard, don’t you?”
    “Best way to get a gut reaction from you.”
    “I think that, somehow, you already knew my reaction. Yes, Nick. With every fiber of my being—yes.”
    He stood, removed the ring from the black velvet holder and slipped the gorgeous diamond on her finger.
    “I love you,” he whispered.
    “I love you, too.”
    His mouth sealed to hers, yet another sizzling kiss.
    When they finally came up for air, Vixen heard the enthusiastic applause that filled the town square.
    She hadn’t even noticed they’d had an audience.

Chapter Nine
    On Christmas Day, a beautiful phenomenon occurred. Or rather, several phenomena occurred.
    First, the City Council miraculously found enough money in the budget to fund the “official” annual tree-lighting ceremony in the town square, even if it was a bit late in the season. While Nick had already replaced the lights on the huge spruce in the center of the square, and he’d also fixed all the colorful lights on the trees that lined the perimeter, the Council had sprung for refreshments, which Jenny handed out to the folks gathered around the big tree.
    Second, Vixen helped the Sugar Plums’ staff distribute the goodies, along with gingerbread cookies for the boys and girls to decorate and hang on the tree, and their new Santa, Kris Kringle, listened to more gift wishes from the endless line of children someone seemed to have bused in from the neighboring towns.
    And finally, Nick opened a box alongside the great tree and pulled out the prized star of North Pole.
    All spiffed

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