Between Darkness and Daylight

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Book: Between Darkness and Daylight by Gracie C. Mckeever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever
Tags: Siren Publishing, Inc.
tongue came out to meet his, sweet and unabashed, and he could feel himself blushing as his tongue mated with hers.
    She wasn't shy. He liked that. He liked her and was frightened by how much.
    Nova groaned against his mouth, squeezed one hand between their bodies to firmly rub his rock-hard cock and buried her other in his hair.
    She wrapped one long leg around his hip, drew him flush against her and moaned.
    Zane opened his eyes and eased away, wondering what he had started.
    That her desire easily matched his encouraged and unnerved him, her passion both intimidating and intoxicating. Intimidation finally won, dragging him back to reality when he wanted intoxication to sweep him Between Darkness and Daylight
    away. He felt a firm nipple between his thumb and forefinger and realized he'd been on automatic pilot. He slid his hand from inside her top, wondering when he'd slipped it in there.
    Damn, the clichés were all true; it was like riding a bike. He hadn't been on one in a while, but he'd hopped into gear like he hadn't been away from riding more than a day.
    "Do you need to wet your whistle too?" She put a palm against his cheek, slid it down to his chest where his heart throbbed out of control.
    Oh yeah, he needed to wet his whistle all right, but a splash from a cold tap wouldn’t do. He needed a taste of the juices he knew were waiting for him in her hot folds. He craved a taste of her sweet-tangy flavor; his mouth watered with nostalgia, as if for a delicacy he’d sampled in the past and appreciated.
    In a dream.
    Where was this coming from?
    Nova eased away and straightened her paint-splattered clothes. "I guess we should get busy cleaning this place up then, Zany Zane."
    He paused, his fingers around her biceps, surprised at the memories her teasing evoked, surprised how right the sobriquet sounded coming from her mouth. He hadn't heard the nickname in a long while, the first time when he was thirteen and his then-girlfriend dubbed him so after witnessing one of his wild stunts on a playground swing. From then on the name had stuck, following him from middle school to college. "Zany Zane, huh?"
    "It suits you."
    She suited him and he wanted to tell her how much, give in to the heat and lust surging through his body and forget about logic, propriety, and repercussions. Forget about his nephew in the bathroom, suffering the same way he was and no doubt trying to sufficiently recover before he returned.
    Maybe they had a little time…
    Nova moved to stand and Zane suddenly pulled her close when she got to her knees. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, took a deep breath and inhaled her scent as if to fortify himself enough to leave…or to stay. He wasn't sure, wasn't sure of anything anymore except that he 60
    Gracie C. McKeever
    seemed to be in a perpetual state of arousal since he'd met the woman, a constant painful state of hardness that needed relief.
    He slid his arms around her back and pressed her against him. The art of the quickie came to the fore of his brain. He and Sinny had mastered it when they babysat Ransom for Sage, the risk of being caught in the act by an eight-year-old adding to their excitement.
    The risk added to his excitement now.
    "Shhh…" He listened to the water running in the bathroom, determined to time this just right—Hell, he was out of his mind! He unbuttoned Nova’s jeans and slid a hand inside.
    She gasped right before he buried her mouth beneath his, thrusting his tongue as he drove two fingers deep inside her cunt. She was wet, so wet and hot and tight, Zane groaned against her mouth and frantically pumped his fingers inside, imagining what it would be like to feel her pussy milking him dry.
    Nova wrapped her arms around him tight and gently bit into his bottom lip as if to keep from screaming, but still released a low keen that Zane swallowed down when he firmly pressed his mouth and tongue to hers again.
    She shuddered and he held her tight

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