Soccer Duel

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Book: Soccer Duel by Matt Christopher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Christopher
Tags: Retail, Ages 8 & Up
little nervous.”
    Just then, the phone rang. His mother answered it, and when she heard the voice on the other end of the line, her expression darkened. “Oh, hi,” she said unenthusiastically. Then she held out the phone to Renny. “It's your father,” she said.
    Renny jumped up and took the phone from her. His mom busied herself around the kitchen, making a lot of noise with pots and pans;
    “Hi, Dad,” Renny said.
    “Hey, sport!” his dad's voice came over the line. “How's everything going?”
    “Pretty good,” Renny said. “My team's in the soccer finals.”
    “Yeah? That's fantastic! I'll bet you win, too. Are they still letting you start?”
    “Yeah, I'm starting every game!” Renny said.
    “Good for you. What happened to the other guy ahead of you? Didn't you say you were third string?”
    “I was, but he wasn't there one day, so I got to play, and I'm still playing.”
    “That's my boy!” his dad crowed. “I taught you well, I guess, huh?”
    “I guess; If you come-to our game today, you could see just how well. What do you say?” Renny waited hopefully.
    “I wish I could,” his dad said sadly. “But I'm leaving for New York tonight. Got a big business meeting there on Monday.”
    “That's okay, Dad,” Renny mumbled. “I understand.”
    “No, it's not okay, darn it,” his dad said. “It stinks. A dad should be there for his son's big game.” Renny heard him sigh. “I'm sorry, Renny. I know I've let you down lots of times….”
    “No, Dad …”
    “I have too,” his dad insisted. “And none of it was your fault. Look, you go out and play your best. Maybe next time, I'll be able to make it out there to see you.”
    “Yes, Dad.”
    “Good luck, son.”
    “Thanks. Bye.” Renny hung up, feeling more down than before.
    “What did he want?” his mom asked him.
    “Nothing,” Renny said. “I've got to. go. See you later.”
    “Are you sure you're feeling well enough?”
    “Renny, you know I've got to work this morning, or I'd love to come and see you play.”
    “Sure, Mom. It's okay. Bye.”
    “Bye, honey. Good luck!”
    “Thanks.” Renny went outside. The morning was gray and foggy, with a little drizzle. Maybe we won't even play, he said to himself. He really did feel sick — weak, and tired, and deeply sad. He hoped they didn't play. Not today.
    The game went ahead, even though the drizzle had become steadier. The conditions were slippery, which would be to Renny's advantage. With his moves, the defenders would be slipping and falling all over the place.
    “We're gonna be champions!” Jordan Woo was bragging on the sidelines as the players lined up. “Oh, yeah! We're gonna swat the Yellow Jackets! Hornets rule!”
    Renny shook his head. Jordan, always so sure they were going to lose, had suddenly become overconfident. “You know, Jordan,” he said, “you should try to keep an even keel a little more.”
    “Huh? What are you talking about?” Jordan asked. “We wiped the floor with them yesterday! We're hot, man! Nobody can stop us!”
    Renny gave up. Jordan's moods swung with every breeze.
    He could see Bryce warming up across the field. Bryce seemed intensely focused today. He looked totally unaware of his surroundings as he practiced his shots. “This isn't going to be easy,” Renny murmured under his breath.
    It wasn't. When the starting whistle blew, Bryce took immediate control. He quickly drove the play into the Hornets' end. Renny waited for the ball to come back toward midfield, but it didn't. Bryce got off three shots in a row, and the third found its mark — a big kick that had Chuck Mathes ducking for cover.
    Renny led a drive on the next possession, but Sam Plummer, the Yellow Jackets' goalie, made a big save and sent the ball back downfield.
    Bryce again led a rush. But this time, to Renny's amazement, he drew the defense to him, then found the open man on his left wing, Eric Dornquist; with a gorgeous pass. The resulting shot had

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